Do You See What God Sees?

“Then the Lord said to Joshua, ‘See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men.'”

Joshua 6:2

Have you ever wished you could see your problems through God’s eyes? In this powerful verse, we get a glimpse of exactly that – God’s perspective on what seemed like an impossible situation.

Picture the scene: Joshua and the Israelites are standing before Jericho, a city with walls so thick that chariots could race along the top. To human eyes, it’s an impenetrable fortress. But then God speaks, and His words reveal a startlingly different reality.

“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” – Oswald Chambers, early 20th-century Scottish Baptist evangelist and teacher

“See,” God says to Joshua. This isn’t just a casual observation; it’s an invitation to shift perspective. God is asking Joshua to look beyond what his physical eyes can see and perceive the situation as God sees it. And what does God see? A city already conquered, a victory already won.

God declares, “I have delivered Jericho into your hands.” Note the past tense here. In God’s eyes, the battle is already over. The walls haven’t fallen yet in the physical realm, but in the spiritual realm, victory is assured. This is the essence of faith – being certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

But God doesn’t stop there. He specifies that He has delivered not just the city, but also “its king and its fighting men.” This comprehensive statement leaves no room for partial victory or lingering opposition. When God promises victory, He means total triumph.

So what does this mean for us today? Each of us faces our own “Jerichos” – situations that seem impossible, problems that appear to have no solution. But God invites us to see these challenges from His perspective.

When we look at our problems, we often see only the obstacles. We focus on the height of the walls, the strength of the opposition, the impossibility of the situation. But God sees the outcome. He sees the victory. He sees walls already fallen, opposition already overcome.

Adopting God’s perspective doesn’t mean denying the reality of our challenges. The walls of Jericho were real, and so are the difficulties we face. But it does mean viewing these challenges through the lens of God’s power and promises rather than our own limitations.

Godseekers, today I challenge you to ask God for His perspective on whatever “Jericho” you’re facing. How might your approach to your challenges change if you truly believed that God has already delivered them into your hands?


Heavenly Father, we confess that too often we view our challenges only through human eyes. We see the walls, the opposition, the impossibilities. But You see victory. Help us, Lord, to see as You see. Give us faith to believe Your promises and courage to act on that belief. May we approach our challenges not with fear, but with the confidence that comes from knowing You have already secured our victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  • Think about a significant challenge you’re currently facing. How have you been viewing it? Now, try to imagine how God might see this situation. What changes when you look at it from His perspective?
  • Can you recall a time in the past when God gave you victory in what seemed like an impossible situation? How can that memory strengthen your faith for your current challenges?

Step of Faith

Choose one area of your life where you’ve been focusing on the “walls” – the obstacles and impossibilities. This week, every time you think about this situation, consciously remind yourself of God’s promise: “See, I have delivered… into your hands.” Write down how this shift in perspective affects your thoughts, feelings, and actions regarding this challenge.

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