Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
2 Timothy 1:14 (NIV)
When Native American elders entrust their sacred stories to the next storyteller, they’re passing on more than words. They’re transferring their people’s entire identity – their history, values, spiritual heritage, and future. The storyteller becomes more than a voice; they become the living vessel of their culture’s soul. Their trustworthiness will determine whether ancient wisdom continues to guide future generations.
God has done something infinitely more significant by entrusting us with His truth. The Greek word for “entrusted” (parathēkē) was a technical banking term for something valuable placed into another’s custody. But this is far more than a financial transaction – we’ve been entrusted with the very story of God, the narrative of redemption, the message that transforms lives and destinies.
Being trusted with truth is both an honor and a sacred responsibility. Like those tribal storytellers who must preserve every detail while keeping the story alive and relevant, we’re called to both protect and proclaim God’s truth. This isn’t about perfectly reciting doctrines; it’s about faithfully living and sharing the story of God’s redemption.
Trust and truth are inseparable in God’s economy. When God entrusts us with His truth, He’s not merely giving us information to memorize – He’s investing us with His story to embody. He’s saying, “I trust you to carry My message, to reflect My character, to keep My story alive in your generation.” This trust should both humble and energize us.
The very fact that God entrusts humans with divine truth is astounding. He could have chosen angels as His storytellers. Instead, He chose us – fallible, limited, yet redeemed people – to be the bearers of His eternal story. This divine confidence should awaken in us a deep sense of responsibility and privilege.
“To be entrusted with God’s truth is to become part of His story – not just as characters, but as commissioned storytellers of divine reality.” – A.W. Tozer (From “The Pursuit of God,” where he extensively explored the living nature of divine truth)
His words remind us that being a trustee of truth isn’t just about preserving information, but about living as part of God’s continuing story. We’re not just guardians of ancient words, but vessels of living truth.
Trustworthiness with truth grows through faithful storytelling. Like the tribal elder who first learns the stories by heart before sharing them, our trustworthiness grows as we internalize and live out God’s truth. Each act of faithful transmission builds our capacity for greater trust.
Godseekers, being trusted with God’s story is the greatest privilege any human can receive. May we prove worthy storytellers of His eternal truth. And may we partner with the Holy Spirit in taking our positions to protect and preserve this good deposit – God’s eternal truth.
Trustworthy God, we stand amazed that You would trust us with Your story of redemption. Help us prove worthy of this sacred trust. Make us faithful storytellers who both preserve and bring Your truth to life. May we carry Your message with the reverence and responsibility it deserves. In Jesus name, Amen.
Personal Reflection
- How am I preserving and bringing to life the story of God’s truth in my generation?
- In what ways can I better embody the truth God has entrusted to me?
Step of Faith
Today, choose one aspect of God’s story – perhaps His faithfulness, grace, or redemption – and find a way to both live it and share it. Remember, like those tribal storytellers, you’re not just passing on information; you’re transmitting living truth that has the power to transform lives.