If Encouraging Then Encourage

If it is to encourage, then give encouragement;

Romans 12:8 (NIV)

Encouragement is a powerful and vital ministry within the church. It is a gift God has given to uplift, strengthen, and motivate His people.

Encouragement is more than just offering kind words or compliments. It is the act of instilling hope, courage, and confidence in others. It involves supporting one another, especially during challenging times, and helping each other to persevere in faith. Encouragement is about being present, listening, and speaking life into the hearts of those around us.

The Greek word used in Romans 12:8 for “encourage” is parakaleo. This word is rich with meaning and can be translated as “to call to one’s side,” “to comfort,” “to exhort,” or “to encourage.” The root word parakletos is also used to describe the Holy Spirit, often translated as “Comforter” or “Advocate.” This connection highlights the profound role of encouragement in the life of a believer. It’s not just about making someone feel better; it’s about coming alongside them, offering support, and urging them towards faith and good deeds.

The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals who exercised the gift of encouragement. One prominent example is Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement.” In Acts 4:36-37, we see Barnabas selling a field he owned and bringing the money to the apostles to support the early church. His actions and words continually uplifted others and contributed significantly to the growth of the early Christian community. Barnabas also played a crucial role in encouraging Paul, supporting him when others hesitated to accept his transformation (Acts 9:26-27).

Encouragement has a profound impact on the church. It fosters unity, builds relationships, and strengthens the body of Christ. When we encourage one another, we create an environment where people feel valued, supported, and motivated to grow in their faith. Encouragement helps to combat feelings of isolation, doubt, and discouragement, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey.

American newspaper columnist and speaker George M. Adams once said, “Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.” His words remind us of encouragement’s essential role in sustaining our spiritual and emotional well-being.

How can we develop a heart of service like Jesus? What practical steps can we take to be more aware of the needs around us and respond with love and compassion?

How can we practically encourage others? Here are some examples that you can do:

  1. Personal Acknowledgment: Take the time to recognize and appreciate the efforts and contributions of others. A simple “thank you” or “I appreciate you” can go a long way.
  2. Written Notes: Send a note or card to someone needing encouragement. Written words can be kept and reread, providing ongoing comfort and motivation.
  3. Acts of Service: Offer to help with tasks or responsibilities, showing that you care through your actions.
  4. Prayer: Pray with and for others. Let them know you are interceding on their behalf and that God is with them.
  5. Listening Ear: Sometimes, simply being there to listen can be incredibly encouraging. Show empathy and understanding without necessarily offering solutions.

Creating a culture of encouragement in our church requires intentionality. It means looking for opportunities to uplift others and making encouragement a regular part of our interactions. As we practice this ministry, we should do so with sincerity and love, reflecting the heart of Christ in all we do.

Godseekers, our church, and our community provide countless opportunities to serve. Whether it’s preparing meals for the hungry, visiting the sick and elderly, teaching Sunday school, or setting up worship services, there are many ways to use the gift of serving. The key is to serve with joy, knowing that through our actions, we glorify God and make His love known to others.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of encouragement and its vital role in the church. Help us to be vessels of Your encouragement, uplifting and supporting one another with love and grace. Teach us to recognize opportunities to encourage others and to do so sincerely and effectively. May our words and actions bring glory to Your name and strengthen the body of Christ. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How can I be more intentional about encouraging others in my church community?
  2. How can I offer encouragement to those who may be struggling or need support?

Step of Faith

This week, commit to encouraging at least three people in your church. Whether through words, actions, or prayer, make a deliberate effort to uplift and support them. Share your experience with a friend or mentor and seek their encouragement and guidance.

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