It’s not Fruitless

“By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days.”

Hebrews 11:30 (NIV)

Sometimes, our efforts seem to lead nowhere. The Israelites at Jericho might have felt this way. For six days, they walked around the city walls, following God’s unusual plan. Each evening, they returned to camp with no visible change. The walls of Jericho stood firm, seemingly untouched by their obedience.

This time of apparent inaction wasn’t without purpose. In our world of quick results, it’s easy to think that if we can’t see progress, nothing is happening. But God often works in ways we can’t immediately see or understand. He uses these times of seeming inactivity to grow our faith and prepare us for what’s ahead.

The story of Jericho teaches us about the hidden work of God. While the walls didn’t budge for six days, God was actively working. He was preparing the Israelites for a victory that would echo through history. This reminds us that our obedience is never wasted, even when we can’t see immediate results.

God’s timing is perfect, even when it doesn’t match our expectations. The Creator who formed the world in six days was working on a similar timeline at Jericho. This shows us that God often works in patterns we might not recognize at first. Our job is to trust and obey, even when the fruit of our labor isn’t yet visible.

The six days of marching weren’t fruitless – they were foundational. Each step the Israelites took was building their faith, strengthening their resolve, and setting the stage for a miraculous victory. God was using this time to transform His people from the inside out, preparing them not just for the fall of Jericho, but for the challenges that lay ahead in the Promised Land.

Our unseen obedience often paves the way for visible breakthroughs. Just as a farmer’s work is hidden before the harvest, our faithful actions are building something significant, even when we can’t see it. God is always at work, using our obedience to accomplish His purposes.

The process is as important as the outcome in God’s eyes. Those six days weren’t just about bringing down the walls; they were about building up the faith of God’s people. Every act of obedience, every step taken in faith, was fruitful in God’s plan.

“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – Augustine of Hippo, influential theologian and philosopher. This reminds us that our faith often precedes the visible evidence of God’s work.

Godseekers, when you feel like your efforts aren’t producing results, remember Jericho. Your obedience isn’t fruitless. God is working in ways you might not see yet. Keep marching, keep trusting, and keep your eyes open for the moment when God reveals the fruit of your faithfulness.


Lord, help us to trust that our obedience is never wasted. When we can’t see results, strengthen our faith. Help us to keep following Your lead, knowing that You’re always working, even in ways we can’t see. May we find joy in the journey of faith, not just the destination. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. In what areas of your life do you feel like your efforts aren’t producing visible results?
  2. How can you maintain faith and continue in obedience when you don’t see immediate fruit from your actions?

Step of Faith

Today, choose one area where you’ve been faithfully obedient but haven’t seen results. Continue your faithful actions, but also take time to thank God for the unseen work He’s doing through your obedience. Keep a journal of your thoughts and any small signs of progress you notice.

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