Serving With A Transformed Heart

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

Our journey as Godseekers is transformative. It leads us on a path of inward change, seeking deeper intimacy with God and a more profound understanding of His will for our lives. As we delve deeper into this spiritual quest, we realize that our transformation is not an end but a divine invitation to join God’s mission to heal, restore, and redeem the world.

This directive from Jesus, commonly known as the Great Commission, extends far beyond a task to be completed. For us, as Godseekers, it represents a pivotal moment of realization: our pursuit of God and transformation in His likeness naturally propels us toward a life of service and mission. It underscores the undeniable link between personal spiritual growth and the outward expression of that growth through serving others.

Beyond the Personal. As Godseekers, we embark on a journey of transformation that deeply personalizes our faith, often focusing on individual growth and renewal. However, the true essence of this transformation is realized when it extends beyond ourselves. Our encounters with God, our moments of profound insight and change, are gifts meant to be shared. The fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—flourish not just for our benefit but for the benefit of those around us, serving as a testament to God’s work within us.

Mission as a Natural Outflow of Transformation. The call to make disciples is not an additional task for the Godseeker but a natural outflow of God’s life-changing work within us. The Spirit’s transformation in us equips and compels us to step into the world as ambassadors of Christ, carrying the message of hope, grace, and redemption. In serving others, we express the very nature of God—His love, His compassion, His desire for all to come to the knowledge of truth.

Serving in the Everyday. For Godseekers, serving with a transformed heart means recognizing that every aspect of our lives is an opportunity to serve God’s mission. Whether engaging in global missions, serving in our local church, or simply offering kindness to a neighbor, our actions are imbued with the purpose of disciple-making. It involves seeing each person we encounter as someone God loves deeply, someone for whom Christ died.

Embracing Our Role in God’s Redemptive Plan. As we seek God and allow His Spirit to transform us, we embrace our role in His redemptive plan for the world. This doesn’t require extraordinary skills or qualifications but simply a heart willing to be used by God. Our service, whether big or small in the eyes of the world, plays a part in the grand narrative of God’s kingdom.


Lord, as we seek You and experience Your transformative work in our lives, guide us to serve with hearts that reflect Your love. Empower us to carry Your message of hope and salvation to all corners of the earth, using our transformed lives as a testimony of Your grace. May we embrace the mission You entrusted us, serving faithfully until the end of the age, comforted and encouraged by Your promise to be with us always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How has your journey as a Godseeker prepared you to serve others? Reflect on how God has transformed you and how that transformation can be a light to those around you.
  2. Consider the opportunities God has placed in your path to participate in His mission. What is one step you can take this week to engage more deeply in this call to service?

Step of Faith

Identify a specific area in your community or church where you feel led to serve. Commit to taking a tangible step toward that service this week, whether volunteering, starting a conversation about faith with someone, or simply offering your time and resources. As you do, reflect on how this act of service extends your transformation and your pursuit of God.

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