Shining Light in the Online World

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

Devo Text:In the bustling marketplace of ancient Corinth or the crowded streets of Jerusalem, the early disciples shared the good news of Jesus Christ face-to-face. Today, we find ourselves in a new kind of agora – the digital world. Our screens have become modern-day street corners, and our social media accounts are our soapboxes. The Great Commission given by Jesus hasn’t changed, but the methods of fulfilling it have expanded into realms our ancestors couldn’t have imagined.

The Greek word for “go” in Matthew 28:19 is “poreuthentes,” which implies a continuous action. It’s not just about a one-time journey, but an ongoing lifestyle of making disciples. In our digital age, this continuous “going” extends to our online presence. Every post, comment, or share becomes an opportunity to reflect Christ and make disciples in the vast mission field of the internet.

C.S. Lewis, the renowned author and theologian, once said, “Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are ‘patches of Godlight’ in the woods of our experience.” In the same way, our digital interactions can be “patches of Godlight” in the often-dark forest of the internet.

But how do we shine this light effectively? It’s not about flooding our feeds with Bible verses or engaging in online debates. Instead, it’s about authentically living out our faith in the digital space. Share your struggles and victories. Offer words of encouragement. Engage in meaningful conversations. Use your platform, however small, to spread kindness, truth, and hope.

Remember, your online presence is a extension of your real-life witness. The apostle Paul became “all things to all people” to win some to Christ (1 Corinthians 9:22). In our context, this might mean learning the language of memes, understanding trending topics, or mastering the art of the tweet – all to more effectively communicate the timeless message of God’s love.

However, as we navigate this digital mission field, we must remain anchored in Christ. Our online activities should flow from a vibrant offline relationship with God. Regular prayer, Bible study, and real-world community keep us grounded and filled, ensuring that what we pour out online comes from a genuine, overflowing spirit.

Godseekers, the digital world is not just a distraction or a necessary evil. It’s a mission field ripe for harvest. Your posts, tweets, and shares can be seeds of the gospel, planted in the hearts of those scrolling by. Don’t underestimate the power of your digital discipleship. With wisdom, authenticity, and love, you can truly be the light of the world – even in the glow of a screen.


Lord Jesus, thank You for the incredible opportunity to share Your love in the digital realm. Guide my online presence to reflect Your character. Help me use technology wisely and creatively to make disciples. May my digital footprint always point others to You. Give me discernment to navigate online challenges and courage to shine Your light in dark corners of the internet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How can I more intentionally use my social media presence to reflect Christ and share His love?
  2. In what ways might my online behavior be inconsistent with my faith, and how can I address this?

Step of Faith

Choose one social media platform this week. Before each post or interaction, pause and ask, “How can this reflect Christ’s love or draw others closer to Him?” Then act on the guidance you receive.

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