The Domino Effect of Divine Intervention

Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (that is, the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho.

Joshua 3:15-16

God’s actions often have far-reaching consequences beyond what we can see or imagine. In the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River, we witness a powerful example of how one divine intervention can set off a chain reaction of events, much like a row of falling dominoes.

The scene is set at the Jordan River, swollen and turbulent during the harvest season. The Israelites face what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle. But God has a plan that goes beyond simply getting His people across the river.

As the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant step into the water, something extraordinary happens. The flow of the river is interrupted not just at their feet, but “a great distance away, at a town called Adam.” This detail is significant. God’s miracle didn’t just affect the immediate vicinity of the crossing; it impacted a location far upstream.

The Hebrew word used for “piled up” is נֵד (ned), which paints a vivid picture of water standing up like a wall or heap. This unnatural phenomenon would have been visible and noteworthy to anyone near the river, not just the Israelites preparing to cross.

Consider the ripple effect this miracle must have had. People in the town of Adam and surrounding areas would have witnessed this inexplicable event. News would have spread quickly about the strange behavior of the river. The reputation of the God of Israel would have preceded the arrival of His people into Canaan.

In our own lives, we often pray for God’s intervention in specific situations, focusing on our immediate needs. But like the miracle at Adam, God’s work in our lives can have impacts far beyond what we initially perceive or request.

The renowned theologian A.W. Tozer once said, “The greatest tragedy is not the sin that is committed, but the righteousness that is left undone.” This reminds us that our obedience to God, like that of the priests stepping into the Jordan, can be the catalyst for God’s power to affect not just our lives, but the lives of many others.

The domino effect of divine intervention teaches us several important lessons. God’s plans are often bigger than our immediate circumstances, stretching far beyond what we can see or understand. Our acts of faith, however small they may seem, can be the trigger for far-reaching miracles that impact not just our lives, but the lives of many others.

The ripple effect of God’s work in our lives can extend to people and places we may never encounter, influencing situations we’re unaware of. This reminds us to be mindful of the power of our testimonies; our stories of God’s faithfulness can have a wide-reaching influence, inspiring faith and hope in others we may never meet. Like a row of dominoes, one divine intervention can set off a chain reaction of blessings and miracles that extend far beyond our immediate view.

Godseekers, as you face your own “Jordan Rivers”—those seemingly impassable obstacles in your life—remember the miracle at Adam. The God who stopped the Jordan far upstream is the same God who works in your life today. His interventions in your situation may set off a chain reaction that impacts people and circumstances far beyond your immediate view.

Just as the miracle at Adam had far-reaching effects beyond the Israelites’ crossing, your faith today could be the first domino in a series of God’s miraculous interventions. May you be encouraged to live boldly for Christ, knowing that the impact of your faith may extend far beyond what you can see.


Heavenly Father, open our eyes to see the far-reaching impact of Your work in our lives. Help us to trust that Your plans are greater than we can imagine. Give us the courage to step out in faith, knowing that our obedience can be the catalyst for Your miracles. May we be ever mindful of the potential domino effect of Your divine interventions. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. Can you recall a time when God’s intervention in your life had unexpected positive consequences for others? How does this memory impact your current faith journey?
  2. In what areas of your life might God be calling you to take a step of faith that could potentially trigger a “domino effect” of blessings?

Step of Faith

This week, choose one area where you’ve been hesitant to step out in faith. It could be sharing your testimony, offering to pray for someone, or taking on a new ministry role. Take that step, however small it may seem, and be attentive to how God might use it to impact not just your life, but the lives of others around you. Keep a journal of any “domino effects” you observe as a result of your obedience.

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