“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:6 (NIV)
God doesn’t do partial ownership. Like a toddler clutching their favorite toy while saying “mine,” we often hold tight to certain areas of our lives. We claim we’ve given God everything while keeping a few precious things tucked away in our “do not disturb” file. But here’s the thing – if God isn’t Lord of everything, is He really Lord at all?
The Hebrew word for “acknowledge” in Proverbs 3:6 is “yada” – it means to know intimately. This isn’t a casual wave of recognition or a polite nod in God’s direction. It’s the kind of knowing that happens between a parent and child, where every detail matters, every moment is significant. This intimate knowing should extend to every corner of our lives, not just the “spiritual” ones. God doesn’t want a part-time position in your life; He’s interested in full-time fatherhood.
We’ve become masters at creating spiritual compartments. We tell God what He can and cannot touch. “Lord, bless my business. When the profit comes, I’ll take over.” “God, I offer my spouse to you so he or she can change. But not my kids.” We are very selective in what we offer to God when He deserves everything we have. Besides, isn’t everything His anyway?
Our Father’s heart is both amused and saddened by our attempts to maintain control. It’s like telling the Master Artist, “You can paint most of the canvas, but I’ll handle this corner myself.” Or saying to the Master Chef, “Thanks for preparing the feast, but I’ll season this dish my way.” We sometimes think we know better than the One who created everything. How often we forget that His masterpiece is always better than our amateur attempts.
Life with the Everything God requires more than token acknowledgment. As A.W. Tozer wisely noted, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” If we view Him as merely a spiritual advisor, we’ll consult Him only for religious matters. But if we truly see Him as the Everything God, we’ll include Him in everything – from our business deals to our browser history.
The invitation to acknowledge God in all our ways is an invitation to freedom. It’s like finally letting go of a heavy backpack you’ve been carrying alone. When we try to manage certain areas of life by ourselves, we carry unnecessary burdens. God isn’t asking for control because He’s a controlling Father; He’s asking for control because He’s a loving one.
Think about your last 24 hours. How many decisions did you make without even considering God’s perspective? What movies did you watch, what thoughts did you entertain, what words did you speak? Each of these moments was an opportunity to acknowledge Him, to include Him, to honor Him. Every moment matters to the Everything God.
Godseekers, there’s freedom in full surrender. When we acknowledge God in all our ways – not just the obvious ones – we experience the peace that comes from living an undivided life. Your Father doesn’t want a time-share in your life; He wants every room, every closet, every corner. Trust me, His ownership is better than our management.
Heavenly Father, forgive us for the times we’ve tried to keep You in our comfortable spiritual box. Help us to acknowledge You in every aspect of our lives – from our biggest dreams to our smallest choices. Thank You for being the Everything God who cares about every detail of our lives. Give us the courage to surrender every area to Your loving control. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Personal Reflection
- What areas of your life have you been subconsciously keeping off-limits to God?
- How might your daily routine change if you truly acknowledged God in all your ways?
Step of Faith
Today, I will intentionally acknowledge God in the “ordinary” moments of my life, especially in areas where I usually act independently of Him.