The God of Right Now

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19

Your next God moment isn’t scheduled for tomorrow – it’s erupting right now. But here’s the uncomfortable question: are you too preoccupied with future possibilities to notice present miracles? Too many of us have mastered the art of spiritual delay, treating God’s work like a future appointment while divine activity unfolds in real-time.

The Hebrew word for “springs up” (tsamach) is the same word used to describe plants breaking through soil. It’s immediate, active, and unstoppable. When a seed sprouts, it doesn’t ask permission or wait for better conditions – it simply pushes through whatever is in its way. That’s how God’s work manifests in our lives.

God’s “now” moments often come without warning signs. There was no countdown when Moses saw the burning bush and no preparation when Paul was struck blind on Damascus road. The disciples were fishing when Jesus called. Mary was living her life when the angel appeared. Divine interruption rarely follows our schedule.

We’ve become experts at asking God “when” while missing His “now.” We pray for future breakthroughs while stepping over present opportunities. We seek tomorrow’s miracles while ignoring today’s manna. We want God to move later while He’s moving now.

The urgency in God’s question – “Do you not perceive it?” – is a loving rebuke. It’s as if He’s saying, “Open your eyes! It’s happening right now!” Like a parent trying to get their phone-distracted child to notice something amazing, God calls us to present-moment awareness of His work.

“The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not. It is not wearied by our sins, or our indifference; and, therefore, it is quite relentless in its determination that we shall be cured of those sins, at whatever cost to us, at whatever cost to Him” – C.S. Lewis, from “Mere Christianity” (1952). His words remind us that God’s active work in our lives isn’t dependent on our perception or readiness – it springs up from His relentless love and purpose.

The tragedy of spiritual procrastination is missing God’s present activity. His new thing isn’t scheduled for next week, month, or year. It’s sprouting now, pushing through the soil of your current circumstances, breaking forth in this moment.

Your “now” moment might not look like what you expected. It might be disguised as an interruption, cloaked as an inconvenience, or hidden in the ordinary. But make no mistake – God’s work doesn’t wait for perfect conditions or convenient timing.

Present-tense faith requires present-tense attention. Stop waiting for the perfect spiritual moment and start recognizing the holy ground you’re already standing on. God’s “now” is happening in your relationships, workplace, struggles, and daily routines.

Beloved Godseekers, don’t let tomorrow’s dreams blind you to today’s divine moments. God’s work is springing up right now – in this moment, in your current situation, in the middle of your unresolved circumstances. Your next breakthrough might not be in your future but in your current.


Lord, sharpen our spiritual awareness to recognize Your present-moment activity. Forgive our tendency to postpone faith to a future date. Help us embrace Your “now” moments with courage and conviction. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “now” moments might you miss while waiting for future breakthroughs?
  2. How has your focus on tomorrow’s possibilities blinded you to today’s divine opportunities?

Step of Faith

Today, set an hourly reminder to stop and ask, “What is God doing right now that I might be missing?” Document each moment of awareness, no matter how small it seems. Practice being fully present to God’s sprouting work in your life.

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