The Timing of God’s Miracles

“Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing.”

Joshua 3:15 (NIV)

God’s timing often confounds human logic, yet it always serves a greater purpose. This truth is powerfully illustrated in the account of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. At first glance, the timing seems almost cruel – God brings His people to the brink of the Promised Land when the river is at its most formidable.

Have you ever felt that God’s timing in your life was less than ideal? The Israelites might have shared that sentiment as they stood before the swollen Jordan. The text explicitly states that the river was at flood stage, which typically occurs during the harvest season. This wasn’t just a challenging crossing; it was a seemingly impossible one.

The phrase “at flood stage” in Hebrew is “maleh al kol gedotav,” which literally means “full over all its banks.” This vivid description emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the obstacle before them. It wasn’t just a matter of getting their feet wet; they were facing a raging torrent that had burst beyond its normal boundaries.

Yet, it’s precisely at this moment of apparent impossibility that God chooses to act. The text says, “as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing.” The immediacy of God’s response is striking. There was no delay, no moment of doubt or fear. The instant step of faith was met with divine intervention.

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply,” said Hudson Taylor, the 19th-century British missionary to China. This quote beautifully captures the essence of this moment. When we step out in obedience to God’s command, regardless of the seeming impossibility, we position ourselves to witness His miraculous provision.

The timing of this miracle serves multiple purposes. First, it magnifies God’s power. A miracle at low tide might have been explained away, but this? This was undeniably the hand of God. Second, it strengthens the faith of the Israelites. They’re about to enter a land filled with formidable enemies; this miracle reminds them of the power of the God who goes before them.

This account isn’t just ancient history; it’s a powerful reminder for our own lives. We often face our own “flood stage” moments – times when the obstacles before us seem insurmountable. It’s in these very moments that God often chooses to display His power most dramatically.

The timing of God’s miracles teaches us valuable lessons about faith and patience. It reminds us that God’s timing is perfect, even when it doesn’t align with our expectations. It shows us that sometimes the greatest miracles come when the need is most dire. And it assures us that God is never late; He arrives precisely when His purposes will be best served and His glory most displayed.

Remember, the God who timed this miracle perfectly is the same God who orders the events of your life. He sees the full picture, from beginning to end. What looks like bad timing to us may be the perfect setup for a display of His power and love.

Godseekers, you may be standing at the edge of your own flood-stage Jordan right now. Take heart! The timing that seems so wrong to you is not a surprise to God. He may be setting the stage for a miracle that will not only meet your need but will also strengthen your faith and inspire those around you. Trust His timing, step out in faith, and watch in awe as He parts the waters before you.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your perfect timing, even when we don’t understand it. Help us to trust You when life seems to be at “flood stage.” Give us the courage to step out in faith, knowing that Your timing is always right. May we see Your hand at work in our lives, especially in those moments when all seems impossible. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “flood stage” situation are you currently facing? How might God be using this timing to set the stage for His miraculous work?
  2. Recall a time when God’s timing, though it initially seemed wrong, turned out to be perfect. How can this memory encourage you in your current circumstances?

Step of Faith

This week, identify one situation where you’ve been frustrated with God’s timing. Instead of focusing on the “bad” timing, look for ways God might be working in this situation. Take one step of faith in this area, trusting that God’s timing is perfect. It might be reaching out to someone, making a decision you’ve been postponing, or simply choosing to praise God in the midst of your “flood stage” moment. Remember, your faithful step today could be the precursor to God’s miraculous work tomorrow.

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