The Walls Before Us

“Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.”

Joshua 6:1

What do you see when you look at the walls before you? For the Israelites standing at the threshold of the Promised Land, the walls of Jericho must have seemed impossibly high, impenetrably thick. These weren’t just physical barriers; they represented every obstacle that stood between God’s people and their destiny.

The text vividly paints the picture: “Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.” Can you feel the weight of those words? The tension? The challenge? This was no ordinary city. This was a fortress designed to repel, to intimidate, to proclaim loudly and clearly: “You shall not pass!”

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” – Corrie ten Boom, Dutch Christian who helped many Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust during World War II

But here’s the thing about walls – they reveal as much about us as they do about what’s on the other side. The walls of Jericho revealed the fear of its inhabitants, yes. But they also presented an opportunity for the Israelites to reveal their faith in God.

In our own lives, we all face “Jericho moments.” These are times when the path forward seems blocked by insurmountable obstacles. It might be a health crisis, a financial setback, a broken relationship, or a spiritual struggle. Whatever form our Jericho takes, it looms large, its walls casting long shadows over our hopes and dreams.

But what if we looked at these walls differently? What if, instead of seeing only barriers, we saw opportunities for God to display His power? What if we recognized that sometimes, God allows walls to rise up not to stop us, but to stretch us?

Remember, the walls of Jericho didn’t fall by human might or clever strategy. They fell because God ordained it, and His people trusted and obeyed. The same God who brought down those ancient walls stands ready to work in your life today.

So I ask you, Godseekers, what are the walls in your life right now? Can you name them? Can you face them? And most importantly, can you bring them before God, not as complaints, but as opportunities for His power to be displayed?


Lord, we come before You acknowledging the walls in our lives. We confess that sometimes these obstacles seem insurmountable. But we also affirm our trust in You, the God who brings down walls. Give us the courage to face our challenges, the wisdom to see them through Your eyes, and the faith to believe that with You, no wall is too high, no barrier too strong. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  • What are the “Jericho walls” in your life right now? How have you been viewing them – as insurmountable barriers or as opportunities for God to work?
  • In what ways might God be using the challenges you face to stretch your faith and deepen your dependence on Him?

Step of Faith

This week, choose one “wall” in your life. Instead of focusing on its size or strength, spend time in prayer asking God to show you His perspective on this challenge. Write down any insights you receive and begin to speak words of faith over this situation, just as God spoke words of victory over Jericho before the walls ever fell.

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