“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
Hebrews 10:36 (NIV)
Faith isn’t always a sprint; sometimes it’s a marathon. The Israelites learned this lesson as they circled Jericho day after day. For six long days, they marched around the city, following God’s command without seeing any results. Their faith was put to the test, not in a moment of quick action, but in the long, steady rhythm of obedience.
Perseverance is a crucial element of our faith journey. It’s easy to believe when we see immediate results, but true faith persists even when the path seems long and the outcome uncertain. The Israelites’ experience at Jericho teaches us that sometimes, God’s work in our lives unfolds slowly, requiring patience and steady commitment.
Our obedience, even when it seems fruitless, is building something within us. Each step the Israelites took around Jericho wasn’t just about the physical act of walking. It was an exercise in trust, a daily decision to believe in God’s plan even when it didn’t make sense. This persistent faith was shaping their character, preparing them for the challenges that lay ahead in the Promised Land.
God often uses the process of waiting to strengthen our spiritual muscles. Just as a marathon runner builds endurance through long training sessions, our spiritual endurance grows as we continue to trust God through extended periods of seeming inactivity. The Israelites’ week-long march was a spiritual training ground, building their capacity to trust God for the long haul.
Perseverance in faith often precedes breakthrough. The walls of Jericho didn’t fall on the first day, or the second, or even the sixth. But on the seventh day, after a week of faithful obedience, the miracle happened. This reminds us that sometimes, we need to keep going, keep believing, keep obeying, even when we can’t see the results yet.
Our perseverance is not in vain. Hebrews 10:36 assures us that when we persist in doing God’s will, we will receive what He has promised. This doesn’t always mean immediate visible results, but it does mean that our faithful endurance is accomplishing God’s purposes, both in us and through us.
“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” – Walter Elliot, a Scottish politician and writer. This quote serves as a reminder that perseverance is developed through daily choices to keep going, similar to the Israelites’ daily decision to march around Jericho.
The challenges we face today are preparing us for tomorrow’s victories. The Israelites’ experience at Jericho wasn’t just about conquering one city. It was preparing them for the many battles they would face as they took possession of the Promised Land. In the same way, our current tests of faith are equipping us for future challenges and triumphs.
Godseekers, when your faith journey feels like a marathon, remember the promise of perseverance. Your steady obedience, your persistent trust, your daily choice to believe – none of it is wasted. God is using this time to build your spiritual endurance, to deepen your faith, and to prepare you for the breakthroughs ahead.
Lord, grant us the strength to persevere in our faith, especially when the journey feels long and the results aren’t visible. Help us to trust in Your timing and Your plan. May our persistent obedience build our spiritual endurance and prepare us for the victories You have in store. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Personal Reflection
- In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to persevere in faith?
- How have past experiences of perseverance strengthened your faith and prepared you for future challenges?
Step of Faith
Today, identify one area in your life where you’ve been tempted to give up. Commit to taking one small step of obedience in that area, even if you can’t see results yet. Write down this commitment and revisit it daily for the next week, noting any changes in your perspective or circumstances.