When God Speaks

“Then the Lord said to Joshua…”

Joshua 6:2

God’s voice breaks through the silence. In the tense moments before the battle of Jericho, as the Israelites face an seemingly insurmountable obstacle, God speaks. This simple phrase, “Then the Lord said to Joshua,” is packed with profound significance for us today.

God’s timing is perfect. The word “Then” indicates a specific moment chosen by God. It wasn’t when Joshua felt ready or when the circumstances seemed ideal. God spoke at the precise moment when His word would have the greatest impact. In our lives too, God often speaks in the eleventh hour, when we’re at the end of our resources and most receptive to His voice.

“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” – Mother Teresa, known for her charity work and founding the Missionaries of Charity

God initiates the conversation. Joshua didn’t summon God or plead for a word. God, in His sovereignty and love, chose to speak. This reminds us that our God is not distant or disinterested. He is intimately involved in our lives, always ready to provide guidance and reassurance when we need it most.

God speaks personally. He addressed Joshua by name, demonstrating the personal nature of His relationship with us. The God of the universe knows you by name and speaks directly to your situation. This is not a general broadcast but a specific word tailored for you.

God’s voice brings clarity in confusion. Standing before the walls of Jericho, Joshua and the Israelites likely felt overwhelmed and uncertain. God’s word cut through the fog of doubt and fear, providing clear direction and assurance. When God speaks, confusion dissipates and the path forward becomes clear.

God’s voice carries authority. When God spoke to Joshua, it wasn’t a suggestion or a possibility. It was a declaration of what would happen. God’s word carries the power to accomplish what it declares. When He speaks into your situation, it’s not just encouragement – it’s a catalyst for change.

God often speaks when we’re facing our “Jerichos”. It’s in those moments of challenge and impossibility that we’re most attuned to hear His voice. Are you facing a Jericho in your life right now? This might be the very moment God chooses to speak to you.

Hearing God’s voice requires readiness on our part. While God initiates the conversation, we need to position ourselves to listen. This involves cultivating a life of prayer, immersing ourselves in Scripture, and creating quiet spaces where we can hear His whisper amidst the noise of life.

God’s voice demands a response. When God spoke to Joshua, it was a prelude to action. Hearing God’s voice should lead to obedience and faith-filled action on our part. It’s not enough to hear; we must also heed.

Godseekers, today I challenge you to listen expectantly for God’s voice. In your challenges, your uncertainties, your “Jericho moments” – expect God to speak. And when He does, be ready to respond with faith and obedience.


Heavenly Father, we thank You that You are a God who speaks. Open our ears to hear Your voice. Help us to recognize it amidst the noise of our daily lives. When You speak, give us the courage to respond in faith and obedience. May we, like Joshua, experience the power of Your word in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  • Think about a time when you felt God spoke to you clearly. What was the situation? How did you recognize His voice?
  • In what area of your life do you most need to hear God’s voice right now? How can you position yourself to better hear Him?

Step of Faith

This week, set aside 10 minutes each day for silent listening prayer. Come before God with your “Jericho situation” and simply listen. Write down any thoughts, scriptures, or impressions that come to mind. At the end of the week, review your notes and prayerfully consider how God might be speaking to you through this exercise.

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