Healing Through Humility

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

Ephesians 4:15

Conflict is inevitable, but how we approach it can make all the difference in its resolution. In Matthew 18:15-16, Jesus teaches us the importance of humility in addressing conflicts. When we approach disputes with a humble heart, we open the door to understanding, healing, and reconciliation.

Consider the story of Abigail in 1 Samuel 25. Abigail displayed remarkable humility when faced with a potential conflict between her husband Nabal and David. Despite Nabal’s harshness, she humbly approached David, acknowledging the wrong and seeking peace. Her humility averted disaster and earned David’s respect and gratitude.

Humility allows us to see beyond our perspective and consider the feelings and viewpoints of others. When we humbly address conflicts, we acknowledge our imperfections and create an environment where others feel heard and valued. This attitude can soften hearts and pave the way for meaningful dialogue.

Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 18 emphasize the importance of addressing issues privately at first. This private confrontation requires humility, which involves approaching someone directly and vulnerably. It requires us to put aside our pride and genuinely seek resolution rather than vindication. This approach fosters a sense of safety and respect when done with humility.

If the initial attempt at resolution fails, Jesus advises bringing one or two others into the conversation. This step also requires humility, as it involves recognizing that we may need help in resolving the conflict. Inviting others to witness and mediate demonstrates our commitment to finding a just and peaceful resolution, not merely proving ourselves right.

Humility in conflict resolution is transformative. It shifts our focus from winning an argument to restoring a relationship. It encourages us to listen actively and speak with kindness, even when hurt or angry. This approach can diffuse tension and lead to genuine understanding and healing.

Think about a time when you faced a conflict. How did humility, or the lack thereof, impact the outcome? When we approach conflicts with a humble heart, we reflect Christ’s love and grace, creating opportunities for reconciliation and unity. Jesus exemplified humility throughout His life, even in the face of great injustice. By following His example, we can navigate conflicts in a way that honors Him and strengthens our relationships.

As we reflect on Matthew 18:15-16, let us cultivate humility. Let us be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry (James 1:19). In doing so, we not only resolve conflicts more effectively but also grow in our faith and character.

Godseekers, let us commit to approaching conflicts with humility. Let us seek to understand before being understood, to listen with compassion, and to speak with kindness. As we do, we will experience the peace and unity that come from resolving disputes in a Christ-like manner.


Lord, help us to approach conflicts with humility and grace. Give us the strength to put aside our pride and seek reconciliation lovingly. May Your wisdom guide us in every dispute, bringing peace and unity to our relationships. Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How can you practice humility in your current relationships, especially when conflicts exist?
  2. What steps can you take to ensure that your approach to conflict resolution reflects Christ’s love and humility?

Step of Faith

This week, intentionally practice humility in your interactions. If a conflict arises, pause and pray for guidance. Approach the situation with a heart willing to listen and understand, seeking reconciliation and peace. Trust that God will honor your humble efforts and heal your relationships.

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