Ever Ready

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

– 1 Peter 3:15

Don’t worry. We won’t be talking about batteries here (or at least well try not to!)

In a world full of uncertainties, having hope is like possessing a rare and precious gem. It’s something that catches people’s attention, makes them curious, and often leads them to ask questions. As followers of Christ, we carry within us a hope that’s meant to shine brightly, drawing others to its source. But how often do we find ourselves fumbling for words when asked about our faith? How many times have we missed opportunities to share the reason for our hope because we felt unprepared or afraid?

Peter’s exhortation in this verse is both a challenge and an encouragement. He tells us to “always be prepared.” This preparation isn’t about having all the answers or being able to win every argument. It’s about being ready to share our personal experience of hope in Christ in a way that’s authentic and compelling.

The first step in being always ready is to “revere Christ as Lord” in our hearts. This means that our preparation begins with our own relationship with God. It’s about cultivating a deep, personal faith that permeates every aspect of our lives. When Christ truly is Lord of our hearts, our hope in Him becomes more than just a theological concept – it becomes a lived reality that others can see and are drawn to.

But what does it mean to “give an answer”? The Greek word used here is “apologia,” which gives us our English word “apologetics.” It doesn’t mean we need to apologize for our faith, but rather that we should be ready to provide a reasoned defense of what we believe. This doesn’t require a degree in theology or the ability to recite complex philosophical arguments. It simply means being able to articulate why we believe what we believe, and how that belief gives us hope.

Our “answer” might include sharing our personal testimony – how we came to faith in Christ and how that faith has impacted our lives. It might involve explaining a particular aspect of Christian belief that gives us hope, such as the promise of God’s love and forgiveness, or the assurance of eternal life. The key is to be genuine and to speak from our own experience.

Peter adds an important qualifier to his instruction: we should share our hope “with gentleness and respect.” This reminds us that the manner in which we share our faith is just as important as the content of what we share. We’re not called to bludgeon people with the truth, but to offer it as a gift, wrapped in love and humility.

Gentleness implies a sensitivity to the other person’s feelings and perspective. It means listening as well as speaking, and being willing to acknowledge when we don’t have all the answers. Respect involves treating the other person with dignity, recognizing their right to their own beliefs while still being true to our own convictions.

Being always ready doesn’t mean we need to force conversations about faith or turn every interaction into an evangelistic opportunity. Instead, it means living in such a way that our hope in Christ is evident, creating natural openings for conversations about faith. It means being attuned to the Holy Spirit’s leading, ready to share when the opportunity arises.

Preparation is key to being always ready. This includes regularly studying Scripture, reflecting on how God is working in our lives, and even practicing how we might articulate our faith. It can be helpful to have a few key verses memorized or to develop a concise way of sharing our testimony. The goal isn’t to have a canned speech, but to be familiar enough with our own story and the basics of our faith that we can share naturally and confidently when the moment comes.

Remember, being prepared doesn’t mean we’ll never feel nervous or uncertain. Even the apostle Paul asked for prayer that he might declare the gospel boldly (Ephesians 6:19-20). It’s normal to feel some apprehension when sharing our faith. But our confidence comes not from our own abilities, but from the truth and power of the message we share.

Godseekers, the call to be ever ready is both a privilege and a responsibility. We carry within us the greatest hope the world has ever known. As you go about your day, be mindful of the hope you have in Christ. Look for opportunities to share that hope with others, always with gentleness and respect. And remember, in your preparation and in your sharing, you’re not alone – the Holy Spirit is with you, guiding your words and working in the hearts of those who hear.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the hope we have in Christ. Help us to revere Him as Lord in our hearts, shaping our lives in ways that reflect His love and truth. Give us wisdom and courage to share the reason for our hope with others. May our words be filled with gentleness and respect, and may our lives be a testimony to the transforming power of Your love. Guide us by Your Spirit, opening doors for meaningful conversations and giving us the words to speak. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What aspects of your faith give you the most hope? How could you articulate this hope to someone who doesn’t share your beliefs?
  2. Think of a time when someone asked you about your faith and you felt unprepared. How might you respond differently if a similar situation arose today?

Step of Faith

This week, take some time to write out your personal testimony in a concise form (aim for about 3-5 minutes if spoken). Practice sharing it with a trusted friend or family member. Then, pray for an opportunity to share your story with someone who doesn’t know Christ, remaining open to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

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