The Choice That Changes Everything

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes

Romans 1:16

In a world full of choices – from what to wear to which career path to follow – there’s one decision that stands above all others in its power to transform lives: the choice to believe in the gospel. Paul’s words in Romans 1:16 highlight this pivotal decision, emphasizing that salvation comes “to everyone who believes.”

The word “believes” here is active. It’s not about passive acceptance or mere intellectual agreement. It’s a conscious, deliberate choice to trust in Christ and the message of the gospel. This choice is the hinge on which the door to salvation swings.

But what does it mean to choose to believe? It’s more than just deciding that the facts of the gospel are true. James reminds us that even the demons believe that much (James 2:19). The belief Paul speaks of is a wholehearted trust, a commitment of one’s entire self to Christ.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his book “The Cost of Discipleship,” wrote, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” This stark statement underscores the all-encompassing nature of the choice to believe. It’s a decision to die to our old selves and to live for Christ.

The beauty of this choice is that it’s available to everyone. There are no prerequisites of moral perfection, social status, or religious background. The invitation to believe is extended to all, regardless of past mistakes or present circumstances.

However, the universality of this offer doesn’t diminish the personal nature of the decision. Each individual must choose for themselves. No one can make this choice for another. Parents can’t choose for their children, spouses can’t choose for their partners. It’s an intensely personal decision.

The phrase “brings salvation” reminds us of what’s at stake in this choice. Salvation isn’t just about securing a spot in heaven. It’s about being rescued from the power of sin and death, about finding true life, purpose, and relationship with God. When we choose to believe, we’re choosing life over death, freedom over bondage, hope over despair.

But let’s be clear: while we make the choice to believe, the power for salvation comes from God, not from our decision. Paul emphasizes that the gospel “is the power of God that brings salvation.” Our choice opens the door, but it’s God’s power that transforms us.

This understanding should bring both comfort and challenge. Comfort, because we know that our salvation doesn’t depend on our own strength or ability to maintain our faith. Challenge, because we’re called to actively choose to trust God daily, not just in a one-time decision.

For those who have already made this choice, Paul’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the decision that changed everything. It’s an encouragement to continue choosing faith every day, to keep trusting in the power of the gospel.

For those who haven’t yet made this choice, these words extend an invitation. The offer of salvation is there, available to everyone. The choice to believe is yours to make.

Godseekers, whether you made the choice to believe long ago or are considering it for the first time, remember that this decision is the most important one you’ll ever make. It’s a choice that opens the door to experiencing the transforming power of God in your life.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of choice. Thank You for extending the offer of salvation to everyone. For those of us who have chosen to believe, strengthen our faith and help us to choose You daily. For those still considering, we pray for clarity and courage to make this life-changing decision. May Your Spirit work in all our hearts, drawing us closer to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. If you’ve chosen to believe, reflect on what led you to that decision. How has that choice impacted your life?
  2. If you’re still considering this choice, what questions or hesitations do you have? What would it look like for you to choose to believe?

Step of Faith

This week, write down your testimony of choosing to believe, or if you haven’t made that choice, write down your thoughts and questions about what’s holding you back. Share this with a trusted friend or mentor and have a conversation about it.

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