Stepping Stones to Sharing

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin

Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)

Have you ever stood at the edge of a high diving board, your toes curled over the edge, heart pounding, knowing you should jump but feeling paralyzed by fear? Sharing our faith can feel a lot like that. We know we’re called to be witnesses for Christ, but the fear of rejection, inadequacy, or saying the wrong thing can leave us frozen in inaction.

But what if I told you that God doesn’t expect you to make a perfect swan dive into evangelism? What if, instead, He’s inviting you to start with small, manageable steps?

Zechariah 4:10 offers us a profound encouragement: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” This verse was originally spoken to Zerubbabel as he began the daunting task of rebuilding the temple. The foundations had been laid, but compared to the grand vision, it seemed insignificant. Yet God saw it differently. He rejoiced in these small beginnings.

The Hebrew word for “despise” here is “buz,” which carries the connotation of treating something as insignificant or worthless. How often do we “buz” our own small efforts in evangelism? We might think, “It’s just a short conversation,” or “I only invited them to church, I didn’t share the whole gospel.” But God sees these small acts differently. He rejoices in them.

Think about the mustard seed that Jesus spoke of – the smallest of seeds that grows into a large tree. Your small acts of faith in sharing the gospel can have far-reaching consequences that you may never fully see.

D.L. Moody, the renowned American evangelist of the 19th century, once said, “If this world is going to be reached, I am convinced that it must be done by men and women of average talent.” Moody himself started small, teaching Sunday school to underprivileged children in Chicago, before God used him to reach millions.

Starting small allows us to build confidence gradually. Maybe your first step is simply praying for opportunities to share your faith. Perhaps it’s inviting a coworker to church or sharing a Bible verse on social media. These may seem insignificant, but they’re laying a foundation for greater boldness.

Remember, even the most accomplished evangelists started somewhere. Billy Graham’s first sermon was reportedly to a congregation of 40 people, and it lasted only eight minutes. Yet God used those humble beginnings to shape a ministry that would impact millions.

As you take these small steps, you’ll likely find that your fear begins to diminish. Each positive interaction, each seed planted, each prayer offered builds your confidence and trust in God’s work through you. You’ll start to see that it’s not about your eloquence or biblical knowledge, but about God’s power working through your willingness.

Moreover, starting small allows room for learning and growth. You’ll discover what approaches work best for you, how to listen effectively, and how to rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance. These are invaluable lessons that will serve you well as you grow in your evangelistic efforts.

Godseekers, I encourage you to embrace these small beginnings in evangelism. Don’t despise them or see them as insignificant. Instead, recognize that God rejoices in every step of faith you take, no matter how small it may seem. He delights in your willingness to be used by Him, and He can multiply your efforts beyond what you can imagine.


Heavenly Father, thank You for rejoicing in our small beginnings. Help us to see the value in every small step we take in sharing our faith. Give us the courage to start where we are, with what we have. May we not despise these small acts but trust that You can use them mightily. Guide us, empower us, and help us to grow in confidence as we share Your love with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “small beginnings” in evangelism have you been hesitant to take? What fears or doubts have held you back?
  2. How might your perspective on evangelism change if you truly believed that God rejoices in your small acts of faith?

Step of Faith

This week, commit to taking one small step in evangelism. It could be praying for a non-believing friend, sharing a spiritual thought on social media, or inviting someone to a church event. Write down your commitment and reflect on the experience afterward. Remember, God rejoices in these small beginnings! As you take this step, ask God to help you see it through His eyes – not as insignificant, but as a valuable part of His grand plan to reach the world with His love.

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