The Power of Pause

After three days the officers went throughout the camp, giving orders to the people.

Joshua 3:2

Three days. A seemingly insignificant detail in the grand narrative of Israel’s journey. Yet, in God’s economy, every moment is pregnant with purpose.

The Israelites stood at the precipice of their promised destiny. The Jordan River roared before them, swollen beyond its banks. Victory lay just beyond its tumultuous waters. But instead of an immediate crossing, God instituted a pause. Three days of waiting. Three days of preparation. Three days of anticipation.

In our fast-paced world, waiting often feels like wasted time. We want instant results, immediate answers, quick fixes. But God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His timing is perfect.

These three days weren’t empty space. They were filled with purpose. The officers moved through the camp, giving instructions. The people prepared their hearts and minds. Anticipation built. Faith grew.

Throughout Scripture, we see this pattern of divine delay. Noah waited seven days after entering the ark before the floods came. Joseph spent years in prison before his elevation. Jesus waited three days in the tomb before the resurrection. God is never in a hurry, but He’s always on time.

Waiting, when viewed correctly, is not passive. It’s active preparation. It’s a crucible where character is forged, faith is strengthened, and hearts are aligned with God’s purposes.

Perhaps you’re in a three-day period right now. You’ve received a promise, but fulfillment seems delayed. The Jordan of your challenges roars before you, but crossing feels impossible. Take heart. God is at work in your waiting.

Use this time wisely. Like the Israelites, prepare your heart. Listen for God’s instructions. Build your faith. Let anticipation grow. For it’s often in these waiting periods that God does His deepest work in us, making us ready for the miracles He’s about to perform.

In the rhythm of God’s timing, your three days will come to an end. And when they do, you’ll find yourself not just ready to cross your Jordan, but equipped to conquer the promises beyond. Your waiting has purpose. Your preparation has power. Your breakthrough is coming. Will you trust God’s timing and make the most of your “three days”?

Godseekers, embrace the divine rhythm of waiting. Trust that your three days – whether literal or figurative – are not a delay, but a vital part of God’s plan. He’s preparing you for something greater than you can imagine. When the time comes to cross your Jordan, you’ll be ready, not just for the crossing, but for the conquering that follows.


Lord of perfect timing, teach us to wait well. Help us see our periods of delay not as wasted time, but as seasons of preparation. Grow our faith in the waiting. Align our hearts with Your purposes. And when the time comes to move, may we be found ready. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “three-day period” are you currently experiencing in your life? How might God be using this time to prepare you?
  2. Reflect on a past season of waiting that led to a significant breakthrough. What lessons from that experience can you apply to your current situation?

Step of Faith

This week, identify one area where you feel God is asking you to wait. Instead of growing impatient, choose to actively prepare. Set aside specific time each day for prayer, Scripture meditation, or journaling about what God might be teaching you in this season. Remember, your waiting is not wasted – it’s preparation for the wonders God has in store.

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