Time To Leave The Familiar

So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them.

Joshua 3:14

Change is an inevitable part of life, yet it often fills us with anxiety. In the book of Joshua, we encounter a powerful moment of transition that speaks volumes about the journey of faith and the courage required to step into God’s promises.

The Israelites stood at the edge of a new chapter in their history. After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, they were finally poised to enter the Promised Land. But to do so, they had to leave behind everything familiar – their established routines, their known surroundings, and even their longtime leader, Moses.

The phrase “broke camp” in our verse carries significant weight. In Hebrew, the word used here is נָסַע (nāsaʿ), which implies pulling up tent pegs and setting out on a journey. It’s a vivid picture of uprooting oneself from the familiar and comfortable to venture into the unknown.

This moment of breaking camp wasn’t just a physical act; it was a profound spiritual step. The Israelites were leaving behind their identity as wanderers and embracing their destiny as conquerors. They were moving from a life of provision in the wilderness to one of promise in Canaan.

In our own lives, God often calls us to “break camp” – to leave behind the familiar and step into new territories of faith. This might mean changing careers, moving to a new place, stepping into a new ministry, or letting go of old habits and mindsets that no longer serve God’s purpose for our lives.

The great reformer Martin Luther once said, “Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.” The Israelites demonstrated this kind of bold trust as they prepared to cross the Jordan, and God calls us to the same courageous faith today.

Notice that the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of the people. This detail reminds us that when God calls us to new territories, He doesn’t send us alone. His presence, symbolized by the Ark, goes before us, leading the way into unfamiliar terrain.

Leaving the familiar behind can be scary. The comfort of the known often feels safer than the uncertainty of the new. But it’s in these moments of transition that we often experience God’s power and faithfulness in the most profound ways.

Godseekers, as you stand at the edge of your own Jordan, ready to step into new territories of faith, remember the Israelites. God is calling you to break camp, to leave behind what’s comfortable, and to step boldly into His promises. The familiar may feel safe, but it’s in the unknown that you’ll discover new depths of God’s faithfulness and your own faith.

Remember, just as the Israelites had to break camp before they could enter the Promised Land, sometimes we need to leave the familiar behind to step into God’s best for us. May you find the courage to pull up your tent pegs and follow where God leads, knowing that His presence goes before you into every new territory.


Lord, give us the courage to break camp when You call us to new territories. Help us trust Your leading, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. May we find comfort in Your presence that goes before us, and may our faith grow stronger as we step out in obedience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “familiar territory” in your life might God be calling you to leave behind? What fears or hesitations are holding you back?
  2. Reflect on a time when you stepped out in faith into unfamiliar territory. How did you see God’s faithfulness in that situation?

Step of Faith

This week, identify one area of your life where you’ve been hesitant to “break camp.” It might be a relationship, a job, a habit, or a mindset. Take one concrete step towards embracing the change God is calling you to. It could be having a difficult conversation, updating your resume, or starting a new spiritual discipline. As you do, consciously look for signs of God’s presence going before you.

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