The Aftermath of Answered Prayers

“When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.”

Joshua 6:20-21 (NIV)

Answered prayers often bring unexpected challenges along with blessings. The fall of Jericho was a monumental answer to Israel’s prayers, yet it ushered in a new set of responsibilities and trials. This pattern is common in our spiritual lives. When God grants us breakthroughs, we often face new tests of faith and character. It’s crucial to prepare our hearts for these challenges, recognizing that they are part of God’s refining process. The aftermath of answered prayers can be as spiritually significant as the victory itself.

Spiritual victories may require difficult actions. For Israel, taking Jericho meant carrying out God’s judgment, a task that was likely emotionally and morally challenging. In our lives, breakthroughs might lead us into unfamiliar territory, requiring us to make tough decisions or take bold actions. These moments test our commitment to God’s will and our trust in His wisdom. They remind us that following God sometimes means stepping out of our comfort zones and facing uncomfortable realities.

The aftermath of breakthroughs often reveals our true motives. With Jericho’s walls down, the Israelites faced the temptation of plunder and the responsibility of obedience. Similarly, when God answers our prayers, our response reveals much about our hearts. Do we seek to honor God with the results of our breakthrough, or do we focus on personal gain? This is a critical time for self-examination and recommitment to God’s purposes. It’s an opportunity to align our hearts more closely with His will.

Answered prayers often lead to increased spiritual warfare. The fall of Jericho was just the beginning of Israel’s conquest of Canaan. Each victory brought new battles. When we experience spiritual breakthroughs, we should be prepared for increased opposition from the enemy. Satan often intensifies his attacks after significant spiritual advances. This reality calls us to remain vigilant, grounded in God’s Word, and dependent on His strength. Our breakthroughs are not the end of our spiritual journey, but often the beginning of a new, more challenging phase.

God’s answered prayers may challenge our understanding of His ways. The total destruction of Jericho might seem harsh to our modern sensibilities. Yet it was part of God’s larger plan for Israel and the world. When God answers our prayers, His methods or the results might not always align with our expectations. This dissonance challenges us to trust God’s wisdom over our limited understanding. It’s an invitation to deepen our faith and broaden our perspective of God’s sovereign plan.

“Triumph is a moment. Aftermath is a career.” – Cheryl Strayed

This poignant quote from Cheryl Strayed, an American memoirist, reminds us that while breakthroughs are momentary, dealing with their consequences is an ongoing process that shapes our character and faith. Be careful what you pray for.

Godseekers, remember that the real test often comes after the miracle. How we handle the aftermath of answered prayers can determine the course of our spiritual growth. Let us approach these times with humility, seeking God’s guidance for each step. May we be prepared to face new challenges with faith, recognizing that they are opportunities for deeper trust and obedience. As we navigate the aftermath of our breakthroughs, let’s keep our eyes fixed on God, allowing Him to shape us through both the victories and the subsequent trials.


Heavenly Father, thank You for answering our prayers and granting us breakthroughs. Help us navigate the aftermath of these victories with wisdom and grace. Prepare our hearts for the challenges that may follow, and give us strength to remain faithful. May we honor You in how we handle both the blessings and the responsibilities that come with answered prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. Think of a time when God answered a significant prayer in your life. What unexpected challenges or responsibilities followed?
  2. How can you better prepare yourself spiritually for the aftermath of future breakthroughs?

Step of Faith

Today, identify a recent answer to prayer or breakthrough in your life. Take time to consider the new responsibilities or challenges it has brought. Create a plan to address these new circumstances in a way that honors God and furthers His purposes. This might involve seeking wisdom from Scripture, consulting with mature believers, or taking a specific action that aligns with God’s will for this new phase of your journey.

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