Stewarding Our Spiritual Breakthroughs

“All the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron are sacred to the Lord and must go into his treasury.”

Joshua 6:19 (NIV)

Spiritual breakthroughs come with a divine call to stewardship. The fall of Jericho wasn’t just a military victory; it was a moment of spiritual triumph that yielded physical blessings. God’s instruction about the spoils of war teaches us a crucial lesson about managing the fruits of our spiritual victories. When God grants us breakthroughs, whether in our personal lives, careers, or ministries, He entrusts us with resources that are meant to be handled with reverence and wisdom. This stewardship is a sacred responsibility that reflects our gratitude and commitment to God’s purposes.

God’s blessings are meant to further His kingdom, not just enrich us personally. The treasures of Jericho were to be dedicated to the Lord’s treasury, not personal gain. This principle applies to our lives today. When God blesses us with resources, opportunities, or influence as a result of spiritual breakthroughs, our first consideration should be how these can be used for God’s glory and the advancement of His kingdom. It’s a reminder that we are channels of God’s blessings, not merely recipients.

Proper stewardship requires discernment and obedience. The Israelites had to discern which items were to be destroyed and which were to be dedicated to God. Similarly, we need wisdom to know how to handle the results of our spiritual victories. This discernment comes through prayer, study of God’s Word, and often, counsel from mature believers. It involves being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and being willing to obey, even when it means letting go of things we might want to keep for ourselves.

Faithful stewardship opens the door to further blessings. When we manage our spiritual breakthroughs and blessings wisely, we position ourselves for even greater works of God in our lives. This principle is echoed in Jesus’ parable of the talents, where those who faithfully managed what they were given were entrusted with more. Stewarding our breakthroughs well demonstrates our trustworthiness and readiness for increased responsibility in God’s kingdom. It’s a spiritual principle that as we prove faithful in small things, God entrusts us with greater things.

Stewarding breakthroughs often involves sharing and empowering others. While the spoils of Jericho were dedicated to God’s treasury, in other victories, the Israelites were instructed to share the spoils. This teaches us that part of good stewardship is using our blessings to empower and bless others. When God grants us a breakthrough, it’s often not just for us, but so we can become a blessing to others. This might involve mentoring, sharing resources, or using our experience to encourage those facing similar challenges.

“God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.” – Billy Graham

This quote from the renowned evangelist Billy Graham beautifully captures the essence of stewardship. It reminds us that we are blessed to be a blessing, called to be conduits of God’s grace and provision.

Godseekers, remember that every breakthrough is an opportunity to glorify God through faithful stewardship. How we manage the blessings that come from our spiritual victories is a crucial part of our testimony and growth. Let us approach the fruits of our breakthroughs with reverence, wisdom, and generosity. May we always seek to use these blessings in ways that honor God, further His kingdom, and bless others. As we do so, we position ourselves for even greater works and deeper experiences of God’s grace in our lives.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the breakthroughs and blessings You’ve granted us. Give us wisdom to steward these gifts well. Help us to use every resource, opportunity, and victory for Your glory and the benefit of others. May we be faithful managers of all You’ve entrusted to us, always remembering that everything we have comes from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What recent breakthroughs or blessings in your life require careful stewardship? How are you currently managing them?
  2. In what ways might God be calling you to use the fruits of your spiritual victories to bless others or further His kingdom?

Step of Faith

Today, take inventory of a recent blessing or breakthrough in your life. Prayerfully consider how you can steward this gift in a way that honors God and serves others. This might involve dedicating a portion of a financial blessing to ministry, using a new position to mentor others, or sharing your testimony of breakthrough to encourage someone facing a similar challenge. Take a concrete step to implement this stewardship plan, trusting that as you faithfully manage what God has given, He will entrust you with even more.

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