Wearing Grace

“and have put on the new self”

Colossians 3:10a (NIV)

Designer clothes often come with a hefty price tag and the promise of elevating our appearance and status. People invest thousands in these garments, hoping to feel more confident, attractive, or successful.

But what if I told you that there’s a designer outfit available to every believer that surpasses even the most exclusive fashion labels? It’s called grace, and it’s been tailor-made for you by the Almighty God, the Master Designer Himself. Unlike earthly designer wear that eventually goes out of style, grace is timeless, always fits perfectly, and actually transforms you from the inside out.

Grace isn’t just a concept; it’s a garment we’re called to wear every day. When Paul talks about putting on the new self, he’s inviting us into a daily practice of wearing grace. It’s as if God has handed us a bespoke outfit, tailored perfectly to who we are in Christ, and asks us to slip it on each morning.

What does wearing grace look like in our day-to-day lives? It’s not about donning a physical garment, but about embodying the very essence of God’s unmerited favor in how we think, speak, and act. Wearing grace means choosing patience when we’re tempted to react in anger. It’s about extending forgiveness when someone has wronged us, just as God has forgiven us in Christ.

Imagine starting your day by consciously putting on grace. As you wake up, instead of immediately checking your phone or rushing to get ready, you take a moment to remember who you are in Christ. You’re clothed in His righteousness, draped in His love, and adorned with His mercy. How might this change the way you approach your day?

Wearing grace isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes, it feels like a scratchy wool sweater against our pride. When someone cuts us off in traffic or a colleague takes credit for our work, our old self wants to shed this garment of grace and put on the familiar clothes of resentment or retaliation. But Paul reminds us that we’ve already taken off that old self. We’re new creations, and grace is now our natural attire.

The beauty of wearing grace is that it’s not “one-size-fits-all.” It adapts to every situation we face. In moments of conflict, grace becomes a bulletproof vest, protecting our hearts from bitterness. In times of joy, it’s a flowing robe of gratitude, reminding us of the source of our blessings. When we’re called to serve, grace becomes work clothes, empowering us to give selflessly as Christ did.

But here’s the thing about wearing grace – it’s not just for our benefit. When we choose to put on grace each day, it affects everyone around us. It’s like wearing a fragrant perfume; people notice. They may not always be able to put their finger on what’s different about us, but they sense something has changed. Our grace-wearing becomes a silent witness to the transformative power of Christ in our lives.

Wearing grace also means extending it to ourselves. It’s about embracing God’s forgiveness and letting go of self-condemnation. When we stumble or fall short, grace becomes a warm, comforting blanket, reminding us that our identity isn’t based on our performance but on Christ’s finished work.

The daily practice of wearing grace isn’t about forcing ourselves to become someone new. Rather, it’s about allowing our true selves – who we are in Christ – to shine through. This aligns perfectly with what Mark Batterson writes in his book “Soulprint: Discovering Your Divine Destiny” (2011): “The Christian life is not about becoming who we want to be. It’s about unbecoming who we are not.” As we consistently choose to wear grace, we’re shedding the layers of our false selves and revealing the beautiful identity God has already given us in Christ. It’s a process of discovery and unveiling, rather than one of forceful change or pretense.

Godseekers, the invitation to wear grace is both a privilege and a challenge. It’s a daily choice to clothe ourselves in the very character of Christ. As we make this a regular part of our spiritual wardrobe, we’ll find ourselves walking more fully in the reality of who God has made us to be. As red carpet interviewers ask, “Who are you wearing today?” Your answer – Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful garment of grace You’ve given us in Christ. Help us to put it on consciously each day, wearing it in every situation we face. When we’re tempted to take it off, remind us of who we are in You. May our lives be a testament to Your grace, drawing others to the warmth of Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. In what situations do you find it most challenging to “wear grace”? Why do you think that is?
  2. How might your day look different if you started each morning by intentionally “putting on” specific characteristics of your new self in Christ?

Step of Faith

Today, choose one specific way you’ll intentionally “wear grace.” It could be in how you respond to a difficult person, how you handle a challenging situation, or how you treat yourself. Write it down as a reminder. At the end of the day, reflect on how consciously wearing grace affected your thoughts, actions, and interactions. Share your experience with a trusted friend or family member, encouraging them to join you in this practice of wearing grace.

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