Wearing The Same Uniform

Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

Colossians 3:9-10 (NIV)

In Christ, we all wear the same uniform. Imagine a diverse group of individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Now picture them all putting on identical jerseys like in a sports team. Suddenly, despite their differences, they’re visibly part of the same team. Different names. Different looks. But same team. This is precisely what Paul is describing when he talks about putting on the new self in Christ.

Our shared identity in Christ is the great equalizer. When we come to faith in Jesus, we’re given a new nature that transcends our earthly distinctions. Rich or poor, educated or unschooled, regardless of race, gender, or cultural background – in Christ, we all put on the same new self. This shared identity becomes the foundation for unity that can exist even amidst great diversity.

But what does this unity look like in practice? It’s not about erasing our differences or forcing everyone into the same mold. Rather, it’s about recognizing that our primary identity is now in Christ. Thus, giving us common ground that’s stronger than any differences we may have. Christ is the great unifier.

Think about the early church. It brought together Jews and Gentiles, slaves and free people, men and women – groups that rarely mixed in ancient society. Yet in Christ, they found a unity that goes beyond these social barriers. They didn’t stop being who they were, but they gained a new, overarching identity that changed how they related to each other. Why should it stop us today?

This unity in diversity reflects the very nature of God. The Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – demonstrates perfect unity in diversity. Each Person of the Trinity is distinct, yet they are perfectly one. As we put on our new self in Christ, we participate in this divine unity, forming a community that echoes the harmony of the Godhead.

Our shared identity in Christ provides a solid foundation for dealing with conflicts and differences. When disagreements arise (and there will be) in any community, we can approach them from the standpoint of our common bond in Christ. We’re not adversaries, but family members working towards understanding and reconciliation.

This unity also empowers us for mission. Jesus prayed for His followers to be one, “so that the world may believe” (John 17:21). When a diverse group of people demonstrate supernatural unity, it’s a powerful witness to the transforming power of the Gospel. Our unity in diversity becomes a living apologetic for the truth of Christianity. And it’s not impossible.

However, living out this unity requires intentionality. We must consciously “put on” our new self daily, choosing to relate to others based on our shared identity in Christ rather than our surface-level differences. It means looking beyond external factors to see the image of Christ in each believer, regardless of how different they may be from us.

This shared identity also challenges us to appreciate the diversity within the body of Christ. Just as a team benefits from players with different skills, the church is enriched by the varied gifts, perspectives, and experiences of its members. Our unity in Christ doesn’t squelch this diversity but gives us a framework for appreciating and leveraging it for God’s glory; to build up the body and not destroy it.

Godseekers, embracing our shared identity in Christ is key to experiencing true Christian community. As we consistently choose to see ourselves and others through the lens of our new nature in Christ, we contribute to a unity that transcends human barriers and reflects God’s heart for His people. Let’s commit to putting on this new self daily, fostering a unity in our faith communities that testifies to the transforming power of the Gospel. After all, we’re playing on the same team here. And Jesus is our head coach. Go Team Jesus!


Heavenly Father, thank You for the new identity You’ve given us in Christ. Help us to put on this new self daily, seeing ourselves and others through Your eyes. Foster unity in our diversity, that we might reflect Your nature and be a powerful witness to Your love. Give us grace to appreciate our differences and strength to overcome divisions. May our unity in Christ draw others to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How has your identity in Christ changed the way you view and interact with people who are different from you?
  2. In what ways might you be allowing earthly distinctions to hinder unity within your faith community? How can you address this?

Step of Faith

Today, reach out to a fellow believer who is different from you in some significant way – perhaps in age, cultural background, or theological perspective. Engage them in conversation, focusing on your shared identity in Christ. Look for ways to appreciate their unique perspective and how it enriches the body of Christ. Reflect on how this interaction deepens your understanding of unity in diversity within the Christian community. Share your experience with your small group or a close Christian friend, discussing how you can foster this kind of unity more broadly in your faith community.

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