Growing Pains

“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”

Ephesians 4:15

Real growth hurts. Just ask any athlete who’s pushed through muscle pain or any student who’s struggled through challenging problems. Spiritual growth is no different. When Paul talks about growing together as Christ’s body, he’s not describing a comfortable, easy process. He’s calling us to something far more demanding – and far more rewarding.

The path of growth requires us to embrace uncomfortable truths. Sometimes it’s a friend pointing out our blind spots. Other times it’s Scripture challenging our comfortable assumptions. The Greek text shows us that this growth touches every part of our lives – not just the parts we’re willing to change. It demands total transformation, not selective improvement.

Growth means leaving the shallow end. Many of us are content splashing around in spiritual infancy, but Paul calls us to dive deep. When we speak truth in love to each other, we’re pushing one another toward deeper waters. It’s risky. It’s scary. And it’s absolutely necessary for our growth in Christ.

Being part of Christ’s body means no individual gets to opt out of growth. Your growth affects my growth. My stagnation impacts your progress. We’re interconnected, like climbers roped together on a mountain face. When one moves forward, they create opportunity for others. When one stays stuck, they hold back the whole team.

The process of growth requires both tough truth and tender love. Think of a skilled surgeon – the operation might hurt, but their hands are gentle. Their goal isn’t to cause pain, but to bring healing. In the same way, our truth-speaking should be precise and purposeful, always aimed at growth.

Your growth is fundamentally your responsibility. While we grow together as a body, no one else can do your spiritual heavy lifting. No pastor, small group leader, or accountability partner can force you to grow. They can encourage, challenge, and support you, but ultimately, you must choose to engage with the painful process of transformation. The decision to embrace or resist growth is yours alone – and it’s a decision you make daily through your responses to truth, your engagement with God’s Word, and your willingness to change.

“God never uses a person greatly until He has wounded him deeply.” – A.W. Tozer This sobering insight from the renowned pastor and author reminds us that growth often comes through painful processes. God’s work of transformation in our lives isn’t about our comfort – it’s about our character.

Godseekers, the call to grow is not a suggestion – it’s a mandate. We either grow or we decay; there’s no standing still in the Christian life. Each truth spoken and received in love is another step toward becoming who God designed us to be.


Dear God, give us the courage to embrace growth, even when it hurts. Help us to be both truth-tellers and truth-receivers. Make us willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of transformation. Break down our resistance to change and reshape us into the image of Your Son. Give us the strength to take personal responsibility for our growth while supporting others in their journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What painful truth do you need to face head-on for the sake of your spiritual growth?
  2. How might your resistance to personal growth be holding back others in the body of Christ?

Step of Faith

Today, invite someone you trust to speak hard truth into your life. Ask them where they see room for growth in your walk with Christ. Don’t defend yourself. Don’t explain away their observations. Instead, listen with humility and ask God to help you grow through their insight. Remember: comfort is often the enemy of growth, and no one can do this work for you.

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