Breaking Down Our Inner Walls

“Then the Lord said to Joshua, ‘See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days.'”

Joshua 6:2-3 (NIV)

God’s promises often precede our preparation. In Joshua 6:2, we see God declaring victory over Jericho before the battle even begins. This wasn’t just about physical walls falling; it was about the spiritual and mental barriers within the Israelites themselves. God’s declaration of victory was an invitation for Israel to align their hearts with His promise.

Our inner walls can be formidable obstacles to receiving God’s promises. These walls might include fear, doubt, pride, self-reliance, or past hurts. For Israel, it could have been fear of the unknown, doubt in their ability to conquer Canaan, or pride in their own military strategies. God’s unusual battle plan was designed to address these inner barriers.

God often uses unconventional methods to break down our inner walls. The weeklong march around Jericho seemed illogical from a military standpoint. But it was perfectly designed to crush Israel’s self-reliance and build their faith in God. Similarly, God may put us in situations that don’t make sense to us but are precisely crafted to address our internal obstacles.

The process of inner wall demolition requires patience and perseverance. Israel had to march for seven days before seeing results. This exercise in patience was breaking down walls of impulsivity and teaching them to trust God’s timing. In our lives, God often works gradually, chipping away at our inner walls day by day as we walk in obedience.

The fall of our inner walls prepares us for external victories. As Israel’s faith grew and their doubts diminished with each day of marching, they were being prepared for the moment when Jericho’s walls would fall. God prioritizes our internal transformation because He knows it’s essential for handling the breakthroughs He wants to give us.

“God is more concerned about your character than your comfort. His goal is not to pamper you physically but to perfect you spiritually.” – Rick Warren

This quote from pastor and author Rick Warren reminds us that God’s work in breaking down our inner walls is ultimately for our spiritual growth and effectiveness in His kingdom.

Godseekers, remember that the biggest walls God wants to bring down might be within you. Your breakthroughs often begin with internal transformation. As you face situations that challenge your comfort or understanding, consider how God might be using these to break down your inner walls. Embrace His process, knowing that as He works within you, He’s preparing you for the victories He has promised.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your promises of victory in our lives. Help us recognize and surrender the internal walls of doubt, fear, and self-reliance that hinder us from fully trusting You. Grant us patience and perseverance as You prepare us for the breakthroughs You have planned. Transform us from within, Lord, that we might be ready to receive and steward the victories You have promised. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “inner walls” might God be addressing in your life right now? How can you cooperate with His work of transformation in these areas?
  2. Can you recall a time when God used an unconventional method to break down one of your inner walls? What did you learn from that experience?

Step of Faith

Today, identify one internal barrier that might be hindering your spiritual growth or readiness for God’s promises. It could be a fear, a doubt, or a habit of self-reliance. Commit to taking one concrete step towards surrendering this “wall” to God. This might involve confessing it in prayer, seeking accountability from a trusted friend, or choosing to act in faith despite your feelings. Remember, your obedience in this area could be the key to unlocking a significant breakthrough in your life.

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