Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’
Matthew 16:24
We often face a daunting invitation in our walk with Christ: to take up our cross and follow Him. This call isn’t about enduring minor inconveniences, like a slow internet connection or congested bumper-to-bumper traffic. It’s about embracing a journey of profound transformation and sacrifice, one that challenges the very core of our desires and priorities.
Carrying our cross involves more than just a symbolic gesture of faith. It’s a daily commitment to live out the teachings of Jesus, even when they conflict with the world’s expectations. It’s choosing love over indifference, generosity over greed, and forgiveness over resentment. This path isn’t for the faint of heart. It demands courage, perseverance, and a willingness to face external opposition and our internal battles.
However, there’s a hidden beauty in this challenging journey. We discover a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment as we learn to let go of our ego and selfish desires. Jesus doesn’t call us to a life of struggle and denial for its own sake but to a life rich in meaning, grounded in love, and connected to a cause greater than ourselves.
This call to carry the cross is not without its cost. It may mean setting aside personal ambitions, enduring misunderstandings or criticisms, and losing relationships. But the price is outweighed by the incomparable reward of growing closer to Christ, becoming more like Him, and participating in His redemptive work.
As we consider the cost of carrying our cross, let’s remember the joy and hope of walking closely with Jesus. It’s a journey that reshapes us from the inside out, drawing us closer to God’s heart.
Before you carry any cross, first count the cost.
Heavenly Father, grant us the courage to take up our cross daily and follow You. Help us to count the cost, not as a burden, but as a pathway to true life and joy in Your presence. In Jesus name, Amen.
Reflection Questions
- What does carrying your cross look like in your daily life? Are there specific areas where God calls you to embrace sacrifice or change?
- How does counting the cost challenge or encourage you in your faith journey?
Step of Faith
Identify one way to embrace the call to carry your cross this week more fully. It might involve reaching out in reconciliation, serving someone in need, or setting aside a personal desire to follow God’s leading. Pray for the strength and courage to follow through.