Living A Lie Ends Today

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices”

Colossians 3:9 (NIV)

What’s the biggest lie we’ve believed about ourselves? Maybe it’s that we’re not good enough, or that our worth comes from our achievements. Maybe that we are not loved or we don’t have the capacity to move on in life. Perhaps it’s the illusion that we’re in control, or that we can find true fulfillment apart from God. These aren’t just little white lies we tell others; they’re the massive deceptions we live out every day.

Paul isn’t merely concerned with our words; he’s addressing our entire way of being. When he talks about the “old self,” he’s referring to our identity before Christ or when we were without Christ – an identity built on false premises and misguided beliefs. We had our own belief system that controlled how we talked, walked, and decided. And we were 100% convinced it was the truth.

This life of deception goes deeper than we might realize. It affects how we view ourselves, how we treat others, and how we relate to God (or even run away from Him.) It’s the root of our insecurities, the fuel for our conflicts, and the barrier that keeps us from experiencing true love and acceptance. Living this lie exhausts us because we’re constantly trying to be something we’re not, or striving to meet standards that were never meant for us.

But here’s the liberating truth – Christ has set us free from this grand deception. When Paul says we have “taken off your old self,” he’s declaring a radical reality. In Christ, we’re no longer bound to live out the lie. We’ve been given a new identity, one rooted in truth and aligned with who God created us to be.

Through Christ, we are set free from living a lie. This freedom is not just about avoiding falsehoods in our speech; it’s about embracing a whole new way of existence. It’s about living from a place of truth – truth about who God is, who we are in Him, and what truly matters in life. This freedom allows us to drop the masks we’ve been wearing and step into the authentic identity God has given us. The person God created us to be.

But here’s the challenging part – we need to live the truth, not just know it. It’s one thing to intellectually understand that we’re loved, accepted, and valued by God. It’s another thing entirely to live as if that’s true. Living the truth means allowing God’s love to permeate our thoughts, guide our actions, and transform our relationships. It means making choices based on our new identity in Christ, even when our old patterns of thinking try to pull us back.

This freedom, however, isn’t automatic in our daily experience. That’s why Paul exhorts us to “not lie to each other.” It’s a call to actively live out our new reality, to consciously choose truth over the comfortable familiarity of our old deceptions. It’s an invitation to step off the stage of false identities and into the authentic life God has for us.

Embracing this truth isn’t always easy. It means confronting the lies we’ve believed about ourselves and others. It requires vulnerability and courage. But as we do, we discover a profound sense of peace and purpose. We no longer have to pretend or perform. We’re free to be who we truly are in Christ.

Living in truth also transforms our relationships. When we stop living the lie, we create space for genuine connection. We can be honest about our struggles, joys, and fears. We can extend grace to others because we’ve experienced the liberating grace of God ourselves. Our relationships become characterized by authenticity rather than pretense.

So, what kind of lie are you struggling today? Is it the lie that you need to be perfect to be loved? The lie that your past defines your future? The lie that you’re alone in your struggles? Or perhaps it’s the subtle lie that you can manage life on your own, without depending on God? We all have a list and, sometimes, it keeps growing by the day. Identifying these lies is the first step towards living in the freedom Christ offers.

Remember, you are not defined by the lies you once lived. You are defined by the truth of who God says you are. You are loved, valued, and purposed. You are forgiven, redeemed, and made new. This is the truth that sets you free – free to live, free to love, and free to become all that God created you to be.

Godseekers, the journey from deception to truth is ongoing. Each day presents us with opportunities to reject the old lies and embrace our new identity in Christ. As we do, we not only experience personal transformation but also become agents of truth in a world desperately in need of authenticity. And you can believe that!


Heavenly Father, we confess that we’ve often lived according to lies – about ourselves, others, and You. Thank You for the truth of who we are in Christ. Help us to recognize the deceptions we’ve believed and to embrace our true identity in You. Give us courage to live authentically, rejecting the old self and putting on the new. May our lives reflect Your truth and draw others to the freedom found in Christ. Lord, show us the specific lies we’re still clinging to, and help us to replace them with Your truth. Empower us by Your Spirit to not just know the truth, but to live it out daily. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What truth about yourself are you most afraid to accept?
  2. How would your life change if you fully believed what God says about you?

Step of Faith

Today, identify one “lie” you’ve been living – a false belief about yourself, others, or God. Write it down, then beside it, write the truth that Christ offers. Spend time meditating on this truth and ask God to help you live it out in a tangible way. Then, choose one action you can take today that aligns with this truth rather than the lie. It might be challenging, but remember – this is part of putting off the old self and putting on the new. Share this journey with a trusted friend or mentor, allowing them to encourage you and hold you accountable in living out your true identity in Christ.

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