Outcasts, Welcome

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.”

Luke 10:33-34

Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong, like you were on the outside looking in? The story of the Good Samaritan gives us a powerful example of what it means to embrace the outcast. In Luke 10:33-34, a Samaritan—a person generally despised by the Jews—steps up to help a man who’s been beaten and left for dead. This act of kindness teaches us how to treat those on the fringes of our communities.

Picture the scene: a man is lying on the side of the road, hurt and ignored by those who should have helped him. Then, a Samaritan comes along. Despite being from a group that was looked down upon, he stops, takes care of the man’s wounds, and ensures he’s safe. This story shows us that true compassion breaks through all sorts of barriers.

In our daily lives, we meet people who might feel like outcasts. But don’t just consider the stereotypical ones you first think about. How about even the least expected, such as people of affluence, famous people, or persons of power and influence? Just because they have the luxuries of the world doesn’t mean they feel they belong. Sometimes, it’s not about the money and fame but genuine community and purpose. Like the Samaritan, Jesus wants us to see these people through His eyes and reach them with love and care.

We often hold back from helping others because of our biases or because it feels inconvenient. But Jesus challenges us to go beyond these excuses. The Samaritan didn’t worry about who the injured man was or whether it was risky to help him. He just saw someone in need and took action. Jesus wants us to have that kind of heart ready to help anyone in need.

As Godseekers, our faith is all about action. Feeling compassion is great, but showing it through our actions is even better. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Whether it’s sharing a meal, offering a kind word, or just listening, these gestures show Christ’s love in practical ways. As Andrew Murray said, “Our love to God is measured by our everyday fellowship with others and the love it displays.”

Think about how different our communities would be if we all took the time to embrace those who feel left out. We’d see more kindness and less judgment. People long to be seen, accepted, and loved. We fulfill a deep, Christ-like love by reaching out to the outcasts.

This week, let’s try to notice and embrace those who might feel left out or marginalized. Look for ways to show kindness to someone who usually goes unnoticed. It could be something simple, like inviting someone to join you for lunch, or something more, like volunteering at a local shelter. Every act of love counts.

By embracing the outcasts, we not only follow Jesus’ example but also enrich our own lives. We create a community grounded in love and compassion, reflecting Jesus’ heart. Let’s go beyond our comfort zones and be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us.

As we go about our week, let’s remember the Samaritan’s example and strive to embrace those who feel out of place. Together, as Godseekers, we can create a welcoming, loving community that mirrors Jesus’ love for all.


Lord, open our eyes to see those who feel like outcasts in our communities. Give us the courage and compassion to reach out and embrace them with Your love. Help us to be instruments of Your mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. Who in my life or community might feel like an outcast, and how can I reach out to them?
  2. What personal biases must I overcome to show Christ-like compassion to everyone I meet?

Step of Faith

Find one person this week who might feel overlooked or excluded. Make a plan to reach out to them with an act of kindness, whether it’s a conversation, an invitation, or a helping hand. Show them the love of Christ through your actions.

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