Find Purpose in Trials

“Know then in your heart that, as a man disciplines his son, the Lord your God disciplines you.” Deuteronomy 8:5 Life’s trials often arrive uninvited and unwelcome. Like the Israelites facing challenges in their wilderness journey, we, too, find ourselves navigating through difficult seasons that test our faith, challenge our…

Remembering The Faithful God

“And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness.” Deuteronomy 8:2 Life has a way of making us forget. In our fast-paced world, memories of God’s faithfulness can fade like morning mist, replaced by current worries and future…

The Beauty of a New Name

Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome. Genesis 32:28, NIV The names we carry can define how we see ourselves and our purpose. Some names are encouraging, while others weigh us with shame or regret. But…

Transformed by Trials

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV Every struggle we face has the potential to become a window into God’s grace. When we think of Jacob, we often remember his cunning and his wrestling match with God at Peniel.…

Face to Face with God

It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared. Genesis 32:30, NIV Jacob named the place Peniel, which means “face of God.” This was no ordinary encounter. It was a sacred, life-altering moment when Jacob wrestled through the long night and realized he had…