See the Day Approaching

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

Matthew 24:42

In the life of a Godseeker, the awareness of Christ’s imminent return isn’t just a distant theological concept; it’s a powerful motivator that should shape every aspect of our daily living. As we navigate the complexities and challenges of our lives, the scripture reminds us of the necessity of maintaining an eternal perspective—keeping our eyes fixed on our current circumstances and the promise of our Lord’s return.

This call to “keep watch” is particularly poignant for each of us as Godseekers. It’s an active, purposeful watchfulness that influences how we engage with the world. We’re individually called to live in readiness, ensuring that our actions and decisions align with God’s will and embodying the values of the Kingdom we anticipate. This readiness transcends fear, cultivating instead a life of hope and purpose, where every choice and action bears the weight of eternal significance.

Moreover, the urgency to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25)” gains a deeper dimension for Godseekers. It’s not merely about being kind or ethical; it’s about actively contributing to our community’s spiritual growth and encouragement. Each act of kindness, each gesture of love, and every effort to foster goodness are essential parts of our preparation for the Day we will meet our Savior face to face.

In our communities, this vigilance means creating an environment where encouragement and godly actions flourish. Our gatherings are not just social or ritualistic meetings but vital opportunities for mutual edification and preparation for the returning Christ. As the Day approaches, our commitment to each other should deepen, pushing us towards greater unity and collective action that mirrors the Kingdom of God.

Understanding the signs of the times is also crucial for Godseekers. Being aware of the movements within our culture and society and discerning how to respond Christianly is part of our mandate. This awareness prompts us not to withdraw but to engage more thoughtfully, seeking to bring God’s light into the complexities of our world.

Personal spiritual vigilance is equally important. Keeping our spiritual faculties sharp—through prayer, Bible study, and reflection—ensures we remain receptive to God’s voice and direction. This spiritual readiness empowers us to live authentically as Godseekers, demonstrating the transformative power of our faith through our everyday lives.

As we look forward to Christ’s return, we are also called to share this hope actively. Our evangelistic efforts are urgently infused, not just for our preparation but to help others prepare for that Day – the Bridegroom King’s return.

Let this awareness of Christ’s imminent return transform how we approach each day. May it compel us to live with intentionality and commitment, ensuring that our daily lives reflect and actively advance our Kingdom values.


Lord Jesus, as we await Your return, keep our hearts focused on Your promises and our hands busy with Your work. Help us to live each day with the anticipation of Your coming, not in fear but in joyful preparation. May our lives reflect Your love and truth in all we do. In Your holy name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How does anticipating Christ’s return influence your daily decisions and interactions as a Godseeker?
  2. What actions can you take to foster a greater sense of readiness and purpose within your community of believers?

Step of Faith

This week, challenge yourself to enhance your spiritual vigilance. Perhaps initiate a study group focusing on the themes of watchfulness and readiness for Christ’s return, or volunteer for a service project that embodies the values of the Kingdom you await. These actions prepare you and inspire others to live in eager anticipation of our Lord’s coming.

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