Understanding God’s Gift of Prophecy

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith.

Romans 12:6 (NIV)

Have you ever pondered on how God communicates with us in the present day? One of His methods is through the gift of prophecy. This divine endowment enables us to hear and share God’s messages, offering us insight and direction. As we delve into Romans 12:6, let’s contemplate on what it means to prophesy in accordance with our faith and how this gift can shape our lives and our church today.

The spiritual gift of prophecy is truly inspiring, requiring the possessor to proclaim God’s truth with clarity, boldness, and conviction. This gift is not limited to merely predicting future events, a concept known as foretelling. It also encapsulates forth-telling, which involves speaking God’s word into specific situations. In the contemporary church, prophecy focuses less on foretelling than forth-telling. The emphasis is on delivering timely and relevant messages from God that edify, exhort, and comfort the church, as reflected in 1 Corinthians 14:3. This should inspire and motivate us to use our spiritual gifts for the benefit of the church and the glory of God.

Let us pause and consider the prophets of the Old Testament—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Each of them, in their unique way, received messages from God that were not just important but vital for the people of their time. Their prophecies, filled with divine wisdom, called people to repentance, offered hope and provided guidance. Isaiah, for example, is a prime embodiment of a prophet who spoke God’s truth to the people of Israel. He delivered messages of warning and hope, calling the people to repentance while also foretelling the coming of the Messiah, as seen in Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6. Let us admire and respect their role in shaping the faith of our ancestors and the foundation of our faith today.

Another example is Jeremiah, known as the ‘weeping prophet.’ Jeremiah delivered God’s message of impending judgment due to the people’s unfaithfulness. Despite facing persecution and rejection, Jeremiah remained faithful to his prophetic calling, as recorded in Jeremiah 1:4-10. These prophets’ courage and faithfulness are potent reminders of the importance of speaking God’s truth, even when challenging or unpopular.

Prophecy is often misunderstood and sometimes even feared. However, it is essential to remember that this gift, like all others, is given to us out of God’s abundant grace and love. Prophecy is not about predicting the future sensationally or mystically; it is about conveying God’s heart and mind to His people. It is about speaking forth God’s truth, whether it pertains to the present, the future, or specific situations that require divine insight.

The early church held the gift of prophecy in high regard. Paul encouraged believers in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” This highlights how important prophecy is in building up the church. Early church prophets played a crucial role in strengthening believers’ faith, providing direction, and ensuring the church stayed aligned with God’s will.

Reflecting on Romans 12:6, let us consider the phrase, “prophesy in accordance with your faith.” This indicates that prophecy is closely tied to our faith and relationship with God. To prophesy effectively, we must be attuned to God’s voice and sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading. It requires humility, a willingness to listen, and a commitment to speak truthfully, even when the message is challenging.

Charles Spurgeon once said, “Prophecy is not given to satisfy curiosity about the future, but to direct our thoughts to God and to inspire us to love and serve Him more fervently.” This quote beautifully captures the essence of prophecy. It is not merely about predicting the future (foretelling) but about speaking God’s truth into present circumstances (forth-telling). Prophecy turns our hearts and minds toward God, urging us to live in greater alignment with His will.

Today, the gift of prophecy still shows up in those who have a keen sense of God’s will and can communicate it effectively. These individuals often can provide insight, encouragement, and correction based on God’s Word. It is crucial, however, for those with the gift of prophecy to exercise it responsibly. They must ensure their messages align with Scripture and are delivered with love and humility.

As the apostle Paul advises, prophecies should be tested and weighed carefully by the church, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21. Those in the congregation who feel called to speak God’s truth are encouraged to do so with boldness and compassion. Always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the affirmation of your church community. Remember, the ultimate goal of prophecy is to build up the body of Christ and to bring glory to God.

Godseekers, the gift of prophecy calls us to a deeper relationship with God and a greater commitment to His will. Let’s use this gift to encourage, guide, and strengthen one another, always speaking with love and truth and seeking to bring glory to God in all we do.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of prophecy and the grace that enables us to receive and communicate Your messages. Help us to prophesy in accordance with our faith, always seeking to build up and encourage Your people. Grant us wisdom, discernment, and humility as we use this gift. May we always speak with love and truth, bringing glory to Your name and advancing Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. How does knowing your gifts are given by God’s grace change the way you think about using them?
  2. How can you use your gifts to serve others and show God’s love this week?

Step of Faith

Identify one of your spiritual gifts and find a way to use it in your church or community this week. Share your experience with a friend or mentor and ask for their encouragement and guidance.

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