On the Edge of Promise

Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing.

Joshua 3:15-16a

Picture this: a vast multitude stands at the edge of a raging river, swollen beyond its banks. The Promised Land lies just beyond, tantalizingly close yet seemingly unreachable. This is where we find the Israelites in Joshua 3, poised on the brink of their destiny. But this isn’t just a geographical marker; it’s a profound spiritual moment that resonates through the ages and speaks directly to our hearts today.

The Jordan’s edge represents a pivotal threshold in Israel’s journey.

Firstly, the Jordan marked the boundary between the wilderness and the Promised Land. After 40 years of nomadic existence, the Israelites were on the brink of settling in a land “flowing with milk and honey.” This transition symbolized moving from a life of wandering to one of purpose and fulfillment.

Secondly, crossing the Jordan would be a point of no return. Unlike the Red Sea crossing where they fled from Egypt, this time they were moving forward into their destiny. It required a different kind of courage – not the desperation of escape, but the bravery of embracing God’s call.

Finally, the Jordan also represented a generational shift. Those standing at its banks were largely not the same people who had left Egypt. This new generation had the opportunity to succeed where their parents had faltered, demonstrating faith where the previous generation had shown doubt.

How often do we find ourselves in similar positions, standing at the edge of what God has promised, yet faced with what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle?

Renowned theologian N.T. Wright once said, “The call of God is not just to a new bit of religion; it’s to a new world.” The Jordan’s edge was Israel’s gateway to this new world, and it required more than just physical crossing – it demanded faith, obedience, and courage.

In the Hebrew text, the phrase “water’s edge” carries a sense of extremity or end point. It’s not just about touching water; it’s about reaching the very limit of what’s familiar and safe. God often brings us to these edge places in our lives, where our abilities end and His power must begin.

The text tells us the Jordan was at flood stage, making the crossing even more daunting. Yet it was precisely at this point of impossibility that God chose to act. Sometimes, God allows obstacles to grow to their fullest extent before He intervenes, not to intimidate us, but to showcase His power and build our faith.

Notice the priests had to step into the water before it parted. There’s a profound lesson here: sometimes we must step out in faith before we see God’s miraculous provision. Our obedience activates His power.

Godseekers, where is your Jordan’s edge today? What flood-stage river stands between you and God’s promises? Perhaps it’s a challenging relationship, a daunting career move, or a call to ministry that seems beyond your capabilities. Remember, standing at the edge isn’t about your strength, but about God’s faithfulness.

This edge is not a place of defeat, but a launchpad for miracles. It’s where your faith meets God’s power, where your obedience collides with His promises. Don’t fear the edge; embrace it. For it’s often at the very point where we feel most overwhelmed that God’s power is most gloriously revealed.

Stand tall at your Jordan’s edge, dear Godseeker. The waters may be high, but your God is higher still. Your promised land awaits on the other side. Will you take that step of faith today? The God who parted the Jordan is with you, ready to do wonders in your life. Your edge is His opportunity – embrace it!


Lord of the impossible, as we stand at our Jordan’s edge, fill us with holy courage. When the waters of challenge rise before us, help us remember Your faithfulness. Give us the faith to take that first step, even when we can’t see the dry ground. May we not shrink back from the edge, but embrace it as the place where Your power is perfected in our weakness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. What “Jordan’s edge” are you facing in your life right now? How might God be calling you to step out in faith?
  2. Recall a time when God parted the waters for you in the past. How can that memory strengthen your faith for the challenges you face today?

Step of Faith

Identify your current “Jordan’s edge” – that place where God’s calling meets seeming impossibility. This week, take one concrete step towards crossing that Jordan. It might be making a phone call you’ve been avoiding, initiating a difficult conversation, or signing up for that ministry you feel unqualified for. Remember, your step of obedience is the trigger for God’s miraculous provision.

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