If Teaching then Teach

“If it is teaching, then teach;” Romans 12:7 (NIV) Teaching is a crucial gift within the church, one that has profound effects on the community. When we reflect on Romans 12:7, it’s clear that those called to teach are given a unique opportunity to shape and strengthen the body of…

If Encouraging Then Encourage

If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; Romans 12:8 (NIV) Encouragement is a powerful and vital ministry within the church. It is a gift God has given to uplift, strengthen, and motivate His people. Encouragement is more than just offering kind words or compliments. It is the act of…

If Serving then Serve

If it is serving, then serve; Romans 12:7 (NIV) Serving is a gift that often goes unnoticed but plays a crucial role in the body of Christ. This gift, given by God’s grace, enables us to meet the practical needs of others, reflecting the love of Christ in tangible ways.…

Understanding God’s Gift of Prophecy

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith. Romans 12:6 (NIV) Have you ever pondered on how God communicates with us in the present day? One of His methods is through the gift…

How To Embrace God’s Gracious Spiritual Gifts

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” Romans 12:6 (NIV) Let us take a moment to think about how amazing it is that God has given each of us unique gifts. These aren’t things we’ve earned or achieved ourselves—they’re given to us by God’s…