The Power of Divine Timing

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

In the grand tapestry of life, timing is everything. As we journey through our faith walk, we often find ourselves wrestling with God’s timetable, much like the Israelites camped at the edge of the Jordan River. They had wandered for 40 years, and now, at the brink of their promised inheritance, they faced a river at flood stage. Why now? Why not when the waters were calm? Yet, in this seemingly inopportune moment, God’s perfect timing was about to be revealed.

The wisdom of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a divine order to all things. The Hebrew word used here for “time” is “zeman,” which implies an appointed time or season. It’s not just about chronological time, but about the right moment in God’s grand design. This concept challenges our impatience and invites us into a deeper trust in God’s perfect orchestration of events.

Consider how God chose to bring the Israelites across the Jordan at its fullest. This timing wasn’t just about crossing a river; it was about showcasing God’s power in the most dramatic way possible. It was about building faith, not just in that generation but in the generations to come. Sometimes, what we perceive as bad timing is actually God setting the stage for a magnificent display of His glory.

C.S. Lewis, the beloved Christian author and apologist, once wrote, “God is not hurried along in the Time-stream of this universe any more than an author is hurried along in the imaginary time of his own novel.” Lewis’s insight reminds us that God operates outside of our limited temporal perspective, orchestrating events for our good and His glory.

In our own lives, we often struggle with God’s timing. We pray for breakthroughs, for healing, for open doors, and when the answer doesn’t come according to our schedule, we grow discouraged. But what if, like the Israelites at the Jordan, we’re simply in a season of preparation? What if God is waiting for the waters to rise so that when He moves, His power will be undeniable?

Trusting in God’s timing requires patience and faith. It asks us to believe that even in seasons of waiting, God is actively working. It challenges us to see delays not as denials, but as divine alignments. Just as a farmer knows the importance of planting and harvesting in the right season, we too must learn to discern and align with God’s perfect timing in our lives.

Godseekers, today you might find yourself in a season of waiting, standing at the edge of your own Jordan. Remember, God’s timing is not just about the destination but about the journey of faith He’s taking you on. Trust that He is positioning you, preparing you, and that at the appointed time, you will see His power unleashed in ways you couldn’t have imagined.


Heavenly Father, grant us the patience to trust in Your perfect timing. Help us to see our seasons of waiting as opportunities for growth and preparation. Give us the faith to believe that You are working even when we can’t see it. Align our hearts with Your divine schedule, and help us to move when You say move. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Personal Reflection

  1. In what area of my life am I struggling to trust God’s timing? How might this waiting period be preparing me for what’s ahead?
  2. Can I recall a time when God’s timing, though initially frustrating, proved to be perfect in hindsight?

Step of Faith

This week, choose one area of your life where you’ve been pushing for your own timing. Consciously release it to God, asking for the grace to trust His timing. Then, look for ways God might be using this season to prepare you or others around you for His purposes.

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